In Royalty

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"You know when you miss a step on a stair and find yourself falling back.

Never expect a cliché hero to save you for you would have already kissed the ground .
Use your hands and break your fall for everyone talks fantasy but never show reality.

And this life is a reality."


Anger is raw
It comes without filters.
Pure and strong.

And he was experiencing it right now.

He removed the duct-taped wrapped around her arms and legs.
Her body unconscious to react to his touch.

Her small kissable lips looked dried and rough as he pulled away the glued tape away from her lips.
His fingers instantly running over them to bring back the lost blood flow.

She laid immobile in his arms as he proceeded to pick her up in his arms.

It's been 5 damn hours since she was trapped in here.
5 damn frustrating hours.

Raven's face held shock as she found her unconscious in his arms.
Her hands trying to wake her up but no avail.

He pulled out a water bottle and sprinkled some water on her face.
Seeing no effect he has placed his wet hands on her forehead, cleaning it of all her sweat and hairs.

"I will take her to my place, it's not safe here"

Raven nodded as the young prince took her to his palace, with her unconscious body in his arms.

A party was going on in the president's palace.
And the organiser was none other than Stacey.

Her hands lifting a wine glass, to only have her friends do cheers with their glasses.

"You should have seen her face! Like seriously you are messing with a my foot!"

They laughed while gulping down the drink and celebrating.
Few were already passed out while those with high tolerance continued the beer games.

Dancing on the beat of a party song, they were having the best time of their life.
To only have one of them ask Stacey and her mood to go sour.

"But what if your majesty comes to know?
She will tell him..I am telling you!"

Stacey just flipped her hair in annoyance and plastered a look of indifference.

"I have already threatened her of my dad's power, she is intelligent enough to not ruin her career."

They all smiled while continuing the game, unaware of a burning gaze of someone on her back.

Silence followed as he stepped into the lights, making his presence known.
His arrival making even the President leave his important guests and welcome him.

"Your Majesty! I wasn't informed that you were visiting today! What a pleasure to have you here!"

But the President's words were replied with silence as his cold eyes refuse to leave Stacey's face.
His anger and aura speaking danger.

President's eyes followed his stare and he felt afraid.
Knowing his daughter's irresponsible nature, he could tell she has done something to anger such a powerful figure.

"Is ... everything alright your majesty?"
His voice was no longer as confident as before.
A hint of fear evident in it.

This time Daniel gave him his full attention.
A fake smile on his lips hiding his actual mood.

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedWhere stories live. Discover now