Hold my hand

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She was a mystery he was determined to solve,

To only have him get his own self lost.

She entered the cold waters with her hands rubbing on her arms and heart thumping in her chest.

She could see him standing in a corner of the pool, with the female population clinging onto him.

One of the girl's hand placed on to his bicep as he tried removing it with utmost politeness.
An elegant smile on his face as he spoke with confidence.

Ignoring him she tried relaxing in these waters.
Getting familiar with this feeling of being in the water, the only option with her.

She was busy moving her hands in the waters when she saw waves coming to her side.
Confused she looked around to see no one.

Suddenly someone emerges from underwater and she nearly lost her footing.
Holding onto the railing for her dear life she squealed in surprise.

"Scared of water little mouse?"

His question direct, looking straight through her fears.

"N..o...just unfamiliar"

He smiles looking around, as if not believing this girl.
While she was busy worrying about his closeness.

"You....can change your partner if you wish to your Majesty..it will be best for both of us"

Her words making his smile to disappear and he grinded his teeth in irritation.
Ignoring her proposal, he started with his work.

"We start with bubbling, you will take a deep breath, go underwater and exhale through your nose or mouth"

The seriousness in his tone made her nervous.
He won't understand, it's no use explaining him her fears.

"Stalker! Is it clear?"

Her hands started sweating as she refused to leave the railing.
The very thought of going underwater making her heart thump faster.

She refused to meet his serious eyes.

Running his hand through his hair he sighed while coming closer to her.

"Leave the railing, here hold my hand"

He offered her his hand to only have her hold the railing more tightly.
Her head moving in a no and his patience falling short with each passing second.

He saw goosebumps on her skin, her eyes closed and grip firm.





He has had enough, this girl will ruin his grades and he can't let that happen.

Placing his hand on her arm and pulling her a bit harshly, he made her look at him.

Her hand shaking in his grip as he saw her fearful eyes.
Breathing coming out heavy as her other hand still held the railing in a tight grip.

"See, I can't have you ruin my entire semester. These grades mean too much to me. Now if you will please loosen up a bit and we can start"

She understood his concerns.
But that's why she asked him to change partners.

Why doesn't he leave me alone!
She thought.

"As for your answer to the previous question, just look around. Do you see anyone else stupid enough to take you as a partner?
All of them can swim well..they would never switch!"

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedWhere stories live. Discover now