sparks of jealousy

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I was alright,with you moving on in life.

Then why did I feel like this on seeing you sleep with her tonight?

My eyes are watering and hands are shaking, desperate to stop you as I stand here staring at the moonlight.


Eva pov

I feel something soft under me and I can't help wish to sleep a little longer.

Smiling to myself and pulling closer the faux quilt, I enjoyed this heaven till it lasts.

Wait a second

My bed is back numbing hard and my quilt is not this soft.
I don't sleep as I guard the King whole night and day.


Where the hell am I?

I opened my eyes to get the biggest shock of my life.
I, Lin, your majesty's bodyguard was sleeping on his royal bed, entangled in his quilt surrounding by his heavenly cologne.

"You slept like you haven't slept in ages Lin? "

Hearing his voice my senses were on full alert and I attempted to rush out of the quilt and stand in attention position.

But me being me had to do things wrong.
My foot got entangled on the quilt and the very next second I was kissing the floor.

He chuckled in the background and I could feel heat rush to my cheeks.

"The famous Lin can also be clumsy, interesting"

He said while adjusting his tie in the mirror while smirking at me through his reflection in the mirror.


Not bothering to reply, he just nodded while staring at his watch.

"I am leaving in 10"

And with this he was gone, leaving me to rush to match his busy schedule.

I placed my hands on my fake beard and I relaxed seeing it intact.
Surprisingly the burn didn't hurt a bit and I ran out of the room to get ready.


"It's final son! You are going!"

Your majesty looked lost in thought, as I stood near the corner listening to their not so comfortable conversation.

"But Dad! I hate him and you know that! Plus why me!!?"

"Daniel you know I am busy and so is everyone else. And they are expecting you already. You know how important this alliance is for us."

Your majesty sighed, irritated and hesitation clear on his face.

"Also Zeena wanted to visit the Avanguard province since so long. She will accompany you and you can enjoy yourself"

Aren't they going to ask me?
Please say no please.

"Okay. But Lin is the only one I am taking as a bodyguard"

Kill me now!

"I don't want a team of bodyguard's with me. He alone would suffice"

My mouth was opened in shock as I looked at him.
Why does he hate me so much!!

"Done then. You guys are leaving today. I'll let Zeena know. She is going to be so happy"

Of course, she will be, after all, she will get to spend some quality time with your majesty.
Excluding me as a third wheel.

Crushing On Your Majesty;The girl he hatedWhere stories live. Discover now