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"Look who's back!" Damon shouts the moment he sees us coming down the stairs. I had worked myself up enough to cry in a way that would seem realistic. It wasn't hard considering I recently witnessed my brother be killed.

Both my mother and Noah look at me with concern, like they thought they would never see me alive again.

"So, how was it?" he snickers obnoxiously. 

"Let's just say she might need a couple of stitches after a fucking that good" Lex brags as he ties my hands behind my back and forces me to the ground.

"That's some brutal shit dude!"

He fakely chuckles, "well you know, that's how it is sometimes. Little spoiled bitches need someone to teach them a lesson"

It's amazing how well he's playing this off, at first I was scared he wouldn't be able to do it.

"I won't argue that you on that" he glances at me with a perverted look, "but we gotta teach the rest of these fuckers too"

My mind goes right back into survival mode, I had thought Lex would end this but he seems not to be. He had sympathy for me but I don't know if that extends to the rest of my family.

"Oh, I didn't forget about them. The nights almost over, it's time for the finale!"

Damon looks down at his watch, "shit, you're right. We've got one hour left. We need to get Eli back down here"

Lex hesitates for a moment, it brings hope to me but within a few seconds it's crushed, "not yet,  I don't want the dad causing us trouble, we'll deal with him separate."

My heart breaks into a million pieces, Lex was regretful but now he's all for killing again. Was he being honest with me?

"You hear that assholes! Start saying your goodbyes", Damon smiles at us while flaunting his blood-stained gun.

I look over to my brother, he's nearly passed out from his bullet wound and my mom appears to be in a full state of desperation.

"Wait! My husband has thirty thousand dollars in the bank, it's all yours", my mom says in an attempt to bribe them for our lives.

The rage in Lex's eyes lights up, I notice it even from where I'm sitting. He's already told me he hates rich people, her doing this is nothing but a major trigger for him.

"Banks aren't open on purge night, cunt. Nice try though", he rolls his eyes then motions for the other man to proceed.

Damon practically runs over to my mother and forces her up onto her knees, "any last words?" He asks holding the rifle to the back of her head.

My first thought is to beg Lex to spare her but he won't even look my way. It's like he's purposely avoiding me. My brother, on the other hand, is way too weak to put up a fight, I think he's accepted that it's over.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way, just remember how much I love you two" my mom fights tears to get the words out clearly.

I mouth the words 'I love you too' then close my eyes anticipating her death but in a split second before Damon can pull the trigger Noah comes darting across the room.

The Purge: Short Story (COMPLETED ✔️) Where stories live. Discover now