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The men all congregate in the middle of the living room discussing there plans to close out the night.

"I know this might sound crazy but I think we should take her with us", Lex propositions.

The words he speaks has no effect, I still feel nothing though the prospect of being kidnapped should invoke a reaction. I've cried all my tears, The sadness was still there, but not raw anymore. What's left is the shell of the person I used to be.

"I don't know about that, once purge is over people might come looking for her. If we get caught, that's prison time" Eli isn't fully on board, he may be crazy but he's not stupid, he knows what will happen if they get busted.

Lex sighs in frustration but doesn't give up on his conquest, "We're not gonna get caught, I bet they'll assume she's dead."

All their eyes travel to me, they contemplate their options.

"This could work, we live out in the country, people mind their business. We could keep her in the basement" Damon supplies them with a way that could make this happen. He's more than happy to do what it takes to convince Eli but that's to be expected since he's been agreeing with Lex this whole night.

"Come on, imagine having a girl like her to use. It's a poor man's goddamn dream!" Lex goes further with his persuasion, going as far to paint a picture of what their future could look like.

"Shit my dick is hard just thinking about the endless fun I'd have with her!" Damon forms a mischievous grin.

Eli rubs his chin like he's in deep thought, "Ok, fine. I'm down but we need to get going if we were gonna do this without anyone noticing."

My stomach tosses and turns, I finally accepted that I was going to die but now I have to deal with this change. I'm going to live but my family isn't here, it's pointless.

"Don't worry about him, doll. You got three new daddies now!" Eli teases me from across the room.

Damon laughs, "Yep and we're gonna take good care of you"

"Aren't you a lucky one!" Lex pulls me up by my arm, "you're gonna have such a fulfilling life with us, babe, just wait, you're gonna love it"

My sunken eyes, watch the ground. Whatever connection we had is over. He's evil like the rest of them though he did have me fooled for a little while.

The strange thing about this is that I don't fear death anymore. I remember when I used to wonder about the afterlife. Whether heaven existed was the biggest mystery for me and in some ways it still is. I don't know where the spirits of my family reside, if they even exist to begin with, but all I know is that I almost joined them in the dance of death but I was held back here on earth until the day the undertaker finally comes back for me too.

The Purge: Short Story (COMPLETED ✔️) Where stories live. Discover now