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"So tell me, sweetheart, how do you want to go out, like your mommy or brother?"

His question slightly shakes me, I didn't expect him to give me the choice but I don't say anything. I still keep my eyes closed, these stupid 'games' are degrading.

"Come on, don't you want to have a say in this?"
He presses the gun up to my forehead.

The cool feeling of the steel makes it impossible to ignore him. My eyes slowly open in a robotic way.

"I-I......" the sounds of stutter flows from my mouth but my mind won't let me verbally communicate anymore.

"What? spit it out!" he bends down to my level and looks me in the face like he's searching for a reason to my unresponsiveness.

The atmosphere is heavy and there's nothing but silence until Lex brakes it, "Maybe we shouldn't kill her"

I let out a small sigh that goes unnoticed. I don't want to go through a roller coaster of emotions again.

"Fuck no, we've come this far, we can't change the plan now" Damon argues against Lex.

"Yeah but I mean, it's more of a punishment to keep her alive after all this. Death is the easy way out"

Damon looks back to me and thinks for a little while,
"Hmm, that's something to consider. Let's get Eli's take on it"

Lex nods then call to the upstairs portion of the house, "Eli! We're ready for the dad!"

Within a minute or two, Eli descends the staircase with my dad by his side. His eyes find mine and he looks relieved but all those happy feelings disappear when he notices Noah and his wife's body.

"Damn, what happened down here?" Eli asks then pushes my dad down next to me.

"The son got tough for a second but it didn't end well for him" Damon briefly explains the recent events.

I'm glad he doesn't go into details for my dad's sake. I would hate for him to have to hear this.

"He almost beat his ass!" Lex jokingly adds to the conversation.

"Nah, I was going a little easy on him in the beginning"

Eli's eyes land on me with confusion "I wish I could've seen that but anyways why the girl still alive?"

He asks this so nonchalantly that it is unnerving.

Lex sees this as his opportunity to pitch his idea, "I think we should let her be an example of what happens when purge night is done right."

"Yeah, I like that! Maybe she'll make the news" Eli quickly warms to the thought.

The back and forth between the outcome of life and death is mentally exasperating. But I don't even know if I would want to live anymore, I have nothing although my dad is still alive for now.

"What do you think about that honey?" Damon comes back over to me and tilts my chin up.

I still keep hold of my silence as we stare eye to eye.

"Aww, you still don't want to talk to me?" he mocks but it doesn't move me.

The exchange between us is extended but his patience doesn't last long. He slaps me across the face, "ungrateful whore!"

I let out a small yelp. The stinging sensation is strong.

"s-stop..." a small voice interjects,

"What the hell did you say?" Damon looks over to my dad. He's beside me, badly bruised and knocked up from all the abuse from tonight. It's clear that this is all the fight he has left.

"I think he said he wants her to get fucked again", Eli suggests somewhat sarcastically.

"Oh really, is that true you old hag? I mean she is pretty hot"

"N-No..." he speaks again.

"No, you didn't say that?, Well that's too bad. She looks too good to pass up but I'm feeling generous. we won't make you watch." He backs up from him and lifts his gun.

I can't watch this, I turn my head and squeeze my eyes shut.

It feels like an eternity before the gun goes off and the familiar sound of a body dropping fills my ears.

"d-dad, " I whisper under my breath, almost as a way to confirm in my mind that he's also dead now. It's official, I'm all alone.

All three men observe his body with those same blood lust eyes they've been showcasing all night. They take pride in a mission accomplished.

The Purge: Short Story (COMPLETED ✔️) Where stories live. Discover now