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Noah's sudden attack takes everyone in the room by surprise.

He somehow untied himself and conjured up the strength to tackle Damon.

"You got to be fucking kidding me! You people never learn!" Lex rushes to help his partner in crime.

Noah manages to deliver a few punches to his face before he's pulled off.

"Don't you hurt him!" my mom shouts as we both watch Noah get demolished. He has no chance of winning in a 2-1 battle.

The two men assault him with random hits to the head and body.

I try to shield my eyes from the terror but my moms struggle to stand gets my attention. "no! Mom stop, please. You're only making it worse"

By the time she makes it to her feet, Lex notices and comes to put an end to it, "stupid fucking bitch" he strikes her in the face causing her to go crashing down to the floor.

She cries and moans in pain while Damon is still beating Noah.

"Lex stop him!"

He chuckles loudly and replies in a snarky manner, "he brought this on himself, he chose to die this way"

"He doesn't deserve this! Please" I plead for his understanding but to no avail. He sits back and watches the 'entertainment' like moviegoers in a theater.

My head hangs in defeat and I somehow block out all sound but I know the reality of the situation. It's safe to say Noah is gone, they're going to beat him to death and there's nothing I can do. I'm done trying, I'm done hoping, I'm done begging. What's going to happen tonight has already been decided. It's time for me to reconcile with the fact that I'm going to die.

"That was fucking intense! This is the shit I've been waiting for all night!" Damon stands from Noah's lifeless body with blood dripping from his fist.

I finally have a moment to breathe, the chaos has stopped temporarily.

"Your son is one hell of a fighter I must say but that little outburst didn't help your case." he grabs her and forces her to her knees again, but this time she doesn't fight back, she doesn't struggle, she doesn't even cry anymore. She's just like me, she's given up for good this time.

"Say hi to my grandma for me!" He laughs wickedly and pulls the trigger, firing a bullet straight through the back of her head and sending her body flying forward.

I flinch at the blood that instantly gushes from her but that's the most of my reaction. I am preparing myself for when it's my turn, I don't wanna give them the satisfaction of seeing me distraught.

"I guess that leaves you, " The voice of the deranged lunatic makes me look up. The sight of a gun barrel is all I see so I close my eyes and breathe deeply, this is it. This is what the whole night has been building up to.

The Purge: Short Story (COMPLETED ✔️) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora