Just smile and wave boys, smile and wave

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This was a huge security risk. Those people could only be here for Feroze. What if they booed me off? The whole country would be watching. Should I make a speech? Was that proper? I had a little thing prepared in my head...

I fixed my necklace and made sure that my bandage was visible. The white bandage was a sharp contrast to my complexion. People had started to fill up inside the courtyard. Rania buzzed around me. The whole courtyard was filled with people and media teams. Cameras were set up to capture every angle. Zaroon stood at my side, his expression tense. For the millionth time, I wondered if I was doing the right thing.

"It's time" Rania muttered. I nodded and grasped her hand. Zaroon walked ahead making sure that the coast was clear. We walked together, nodding at the line of bowed heads. Everyone was curious. They were all waiting to see how this worked out.

If the situation had not been so tense, I would have laughed. A few minutes later we reached the balcony doors. Izzy and Hania were the first to greet us. Uncle Azhar looked pensive. Ammi Jaan had a rosary in her hand. Uncle EJ came forward and kissed my forehead.
"Trust your instinct" he whispered. At that moment, Ferozeuddin walked in with his entourage. I rolled my eyes at his theatrics. Peacock was an excellent nickname for him.
"Ready?" He said offering me his arm and Aunt Mamo frowned at the gesture. I took it, partially to annoy her.
"It's showtime..." and with that Zaroon pushed the doors open.

A huge cheer greeted us as we arrived on the balcony. I smiled in relief. They were just people. People who were happy to see us alive. I felt guilty about my train of thought. Ever since the attack, I had started thinking of the people as us and them. There was no us and them. We were all the same. I felt ashamed at my cowardice. I was so relieved to be back inside my walls I forgot why I had left them in the first place.

I gave a short wave and the crowd fell silent. Oops. Anxiety and panic made the words started to flow out of my mouth.

"Greetings my fellow..." human beings? People? "Brothers and sisters," think like Feroze. What would he say?

"As you all know, we were attacked today" boos sounded from the crowd. "It was a cowardly act to be sure, one done by an unknown enemy" birds chirped in the distance. "However it has not dampened our spirit" cheers. "It has only strengthened our resolve. The fight has only begun. We will do whatever it takes to have our voices heard. They will try to silence us, make us doubt one another but remember, the goal is to make your lives better. You are the ones who will bring change. You will usher in a new era, where the south rules" the noise that erupted was deafening. I felt a smile breaking over my face.

"My father once said that a ruler is only happy as his most unhappy subject" tears sprung up in my eyes. "Well, a government official's duty is to serve his people. From the highest office in the land to the lowest clerk, they are there to serve this country. How can they sleep at night when they know that half of the country is struggling to eat two times a day?" Loud cheers sounded from below me.

"For the youngsters, fear not. We are a reflection of you. For our elders, we have not forgotten the values of the south. You are our pride. And for the rest of the country, rest easy, because we believe in a meritocracy. We will never let there be inequality because we know the suffering that it causes" I stopped to take a breath. "This will be the dawn of a new era. Where people rule. There is just one more week left. The last battle. Are you with me?" A loud yes rang out. "Will we win this?" Another big yes. "Long live Gulzar Mahal, long live Pakistan" more cheers and claps.

This was electric. I could feel the buzz. Feroze raised his arm and we waved to the crowd. Slowly they started to disperse, calling out slogans as they left. We stayed there till the last of them dwindled out, their eyes on us until the gates closed. My legs shook as we walked back into the castle. I had to keep a tight hold on Feroze's arm so I would not fall.

"That was well done... I told you that you would have made a fantastic First Lady" he said as we walked towards our family. I let out a laugh.
"Who knows, maybe I could become the Prime Minister," I said as Ammi Jaan enveloped me into a hug. He rolled his eyes.
"Good job Elena," Izzy said patting my back.
"Your twitter mentions are off the roof!" Rania screamed jumping up and down. I looked around to see Uncle EJ standing in a corner, a handkerchief in his hand, his eyes watery.

"Oh no... did I do bad? Is your arm okay?" I said rushing towards him.
"Everything is perfect. If only your father was here to see this. He would have been so proud" a huge lump formed in my throat. 
"Well, he left me in capable hands," I said giving him a hug. As he hugged me back I met Zaroon's eyes over his shoulder. I really was in capable hands.



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