When people underestimate you is when you can make a breakthrough

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"Is she coming around?"

"Is she up?... careful, her hand!" feeling returned to my battered and bruised body. "She's up, she's up" The concerned voice caused a cacophony of emotions to rush through me.

"Water" I croaked out, still not being able to open my eyes. Someone placed a straw between my lips. I took a long draw and sighed.

"My baby, Elena, darling, open your eyes sweetheart" A sob finally broke out of me.

My eyes opened and I saw Ammi Jaan's face hovering over mine. She smiled and stroked my hair. "Good job. You're here, you're safe" I smiled and grabbed her hand. I did not want to let go. She sat with me, her hand stroking my hair as I took in my surroundings.

I had been placed in my room, on my bed. Bouquets covered every inch of the room. Roses in all colors, Jasmine, Freesias and who knows what else was placed in vases, on tables or near the balcony. Many of them had small cards attached to them. Still examining the room, I looked at the IV stand next to my bed. There was a drip attached to my left hand. My right hand was in a sling and I could feel a multitude of bruises peppered across my face.

"Uncle Azhar, Duchess... Zaroon" the last word came out as a pained cry. Tears started to fall out of my eyes.

"Shh... I know. He's right here. He never left"

"Uncle Azhar, his father. How, Ammi Jaan..." she gestured to someone behind her.

"He knows. You need to recover. Get some rest" my eyes started to drop and I settled into the comfortable pillows. Slowly, I surrendered to the cool dark waters.

"She's not ready for this" Ammi Jaan's voice woke me up. I felt the sunlight on my face.  I had zero sense of time. Was it a day later? Had it been two days?

"She has to be... I'm sorry, but we need her" Was that Feroze? What was he doing here? Weren't the elections today? I opened my eyes at the noise and sure enough, I was greeted with his face staring at me with relief.

"Thank God you're up. Elena you genius, you pulled it off. We did it, we won the elections. They've called them" relief and happiness flowed through me and I laid back on the pillows, satisfied.

"Congratulations, Prime Minister to be,"

He winced at my scratchy voice. I sighed and frowned at his reaction.

Embarrassed, he came forward to sit on the seat placed beside the bed. A soft click of the door told me that Ammi Jaan had left the room.

"How have you been? I heard about what happened, I couldn't leave the campaign trail. Everything was happening so fast..."

"It's fine. You did what you had to. I'm glad someone was using their head"

"Everyone had lost theirs, Elena. Uncle Ehsan was frantic, your mother refused to eat, Izzy and Rania were desperate for news and the Major? I have never seen someone lose their mind but still be in so much control. The guy was a whirlwind." I could not keep my expression from falling.

I loathed showing any weakness in front of Feroze, but I could not help it. Tears sprung in my eyes. Feroze nodded in sympathy and offered me his handkerchief in a silent show of compassion. I turned my head to the side to have a moment to compose myself.

"You mentioned something about needing me?"

"I... yes, I have decided to announce my victory from Gulzar Mahal. Will you be by my side?"

"I'm touched, wouldn't Naila mind?"

"Uh, she's not here." at my questioning glance he cleared his throat to offer an explanation. "She told me everything. Honestly, I never thought you had it in you" a small laugh escaped my lips at that. That seemed to be a running theme around here "We're thinking of getting a divorce. Things have been a bit intense lately" understatement of the century.

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