Chapter 14

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Chloe rubs around her face, the blood clearly getting in her eye. She lunges at me, she's far too slow and I side step her easily, taking her legs out on the way past. She's supposed to be the best female fighter here? Compare to whom?

She gets up from the floor, giving me a dirty look, she swings one of her arms at me, I think it was an attempt to punch me, but she's not thinking clearly about where she's placing her attacks, maybe I elbowed her a bit too hard in the head. Again I easily push her arm to the side, with herself wide open, I make my move. I place two punches to the stomach, winding her, and then lift my fist full force to her chin. The impact lifts her off her feet, throwing her onto her back.

Rolling herself over, she lifts herself on to her feet, her legs are buckling. I look over to our Beta, with a concerned look on my face; I've barely hit her, yet she's struggling. I look back towards her, I think we need to stop, something's not right.

"Chloe, you need to back out and see the pack doctor now."

"What's the matter; scared I'm going to beat you?"

Giving me no time to respond, she comes at me again. She throws a multiple of punches and kicks, again none come near me, and she's far too slow. I grab both of her wrists and hold her firmly. She desperately tried to get away.

"Chloe, enough, your barely breathing and that cut on your head needs treating. Just retire from this fight and go to the hospital"

She screams in my face, shocking me. She swings her head back and hits me full force in the face with hers. I immediately leg go of her, my eyes instantly water, I can feel warm liquid running from my nose. That bitch!

With me completely stunned and distracted by the hit, she tackles me to the ground, sitting on my hips; she prepares to throw a punch at my face. I block one arm but miss the other. Chloe again makes a strike to my nose. Doesn't she realise how expensive nose jobs are, at this rate I will need to book myself in.

With the hand that I still have hold of, I take it with two hands and begin to twist, the pain evident on her face as she begins to groan in pain, its so painful that she gets off of me and tries to step back, which pulls me up with her in the process.

I let go of her, I need to get my head in one place. While I've barely relaxed, she's managed to get behind me and she goes for me hair again, pulling me straight to the floor. I've had enough of these stupid, mindless and childish games of hair pulling, I decide to roll back while in the flow of her pulling my hair, as I roll back, my legs come up and thump right into her face.

As I get up I realise she's pulled my hair band out. Great, just what I need, blood all in my hair and it sticking to my face with all the dust and dirt I've already picked up, how attractive in front of Cain's Beta. Whoever tall, dark and handsome is? Not that I care, obviously!

Chloe is winded from the impact; I push my hair out my face and get ready for her next move.

"What's the matter Kara, *cough* to scared to make *cough* a move, in front of daddy!"

I see red, I don't know why her Alpha being here will win the fight in her favour but I suppose she's clutching at straws now.

"If you think my dad being here is going to save you arse, you're sadly mistaken"

I run at her, Chloe can see me coming and swings her leg at me, I stop with enough time to not only take the impact, but to grab onto her leg too, I instantly throw her body against the ground. *crack* She lets out a loud scream, I've now done some serious damage to her.

Again though she gets up, she is really struggling now. I stand tall and full of confidence even though my head in pounding.

Our Beta comes near us.

"That's enough now girls, Kara you have clearly won, now stand down"

I smile, and being walking away, I have nothing left to prove.

Chloe, lets out an angry scream, she's not finished yet and begins shouting at me, even though I'm barely a metre away.

"That's it run off! Just like you did the last time Alpha Cain came here!"

Fuck this!! Now I don't see red, my eyes are black, my canines and claws are out, she's going to be sorry for not only bringing it up in front of the others but with Cain standing there too, who is looking incredible smug right now.

I tackle her straight to the ground and begin pummelling her face, she has no time to react or defend herself. Blood all over her face, bruises coming straight up, I'm doing some serious damage to her face, like I care.

Suddenly two arms wrap round me, pulling me straight up and away, I claw and kick towards Chloe who is luckily just out of reach.

"Kara, enough, calm down now!"

I look over to who ever shout's my name, it's the Alpha, my dad.

The Alpha's Beta (BOOK 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ