The Embroidered Sweater

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Time Era: unknown
Location: unknown

This is way less scary then the first one

A girl wearing a white dress and pretty embroidered sweater once asked a kind old man for a ride to her great-grandmothers house.

So the man drives her there. After they arrive, he drops her off and leaves.

The next day, the same old man is getting into his car to pick up the paper and some milk from the store. Once he sits, he notices that the girl from the day before left her sweater in his car.

So he drives back to the girl's great-grandmother's house and knocks on the door.

The old lady answers the door, and the man tells her why he's there.

The lady says, "I'm sorry Sir. I think you have the wrong address. My great-granddaughter died many, many years ago, wearing her favorite white dress, after a night out dancing."

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