Biological bodies

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Marcus waited for Stephanie to calm down, but as she lifted her face, her body tensed. "Marcus, there's a flying snake behind us--"

His body tensed as well. Did she see astrals? "Avert your eyes from it," he said. It was common sense about astrals that if you were a biological creature and didn't cross eyes with astrals, they didn't even consider you as anything worthy of note.

Stephanie looked down on his shoulder right away.

"Did you see its eyes?" Marcus asked.

"No," she replied.

Marcus let out a breath. "Those are astrals; do not look at them; then they will ignore you." But why was she seeing them? No... it actually made sense, those records about fifteen millennia ago did say that it was harder to eat memories of special Ureals who could see the astral side. It worked both ways then. If he could not eat her memories, then she likely was the type of Ureal that had the capability to see the astral side.

"Why do I see them?" Stephanie asked.

"You are a special person," Marcus replied. "Normal people can't resist me eating their memories since you could; you likely always had the capability to see them; you just didn't."

Stephanie straightened her posture and looked at him for a while, and then she zoomed into his shirt, no, it was Bill's shirt.

"What happened to your shirt?" Stephanie asked.

"It got dirty," Marcus said, not seeing a reason to lie. Unless he starts carrying extra clothes with him, then this likely wouldn't be the first or last time something like this might happen.

"Whose shirt is that?" Stephanie asked, kind of casual, but she seemed suspicious too.

"Bill's," Marcus replied.

Some recognition passed her eyes, even if Timothy's memory had nothing about mentioning Bill in Stephanie's presence. "Friend?" She asked.

"Boyfriend," Marcus said, also not seeing a reason to hide it when all the school already knew.

At first, Stephanie turned red and put hands on her cheeks. Then her eyes froze over.

"Was that why Tim--?" She asked.

"No," that was not the suicide reason, although why would it be-- ah, right, it was an insult and while Timothy didn't seem to know much about, from the way Stephanie asked Marcus figured there might be people who killed themselves due to being gay.

"Why did he then?" Stephanie asked next.

"I don't want to tell," he said. "I dealt with one reason and--" It was likely Amelie would come to him asking about Robbie, in that situation he would eat her memories as well. "I'll likely deal with the other one as well."

"You'll deal with it by eating their memories?" Stephanie checked.

"Yes," Marcus replied and turned to head towards the apartment complex where their home was. That would be the easiest option.

"Won't that be suspicious?" She asked.

It would be if he were to be careless, but - "Not if I eat them from everyone involved." From what Marcus saw in Robbie's memories, his babe did not outright ask him to do anything. Like with Timothy, she acted sweet and used her tears and gestures to get what she wanted. Robbie was not too fond of using his phone. Amelie would wait for Robbie to stop by and bring her the news.

Obviously, Robbie would not stop by the next day. Amelie would keep waiting, then get upset or 'lonely' how she would play it off and ask about it at school when her suspension ends.

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