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"You want kids?" Marcus asked while eating pudding in the bed because that conversation had led to-- Had Bill ever gotten this much into it?

Bill hugged Marcus from behind and Marcus had to look up to notice how red Bill's cheeks were. Cute. But Marcus had no idea what this was about still.

"Not for twenty more years," Bill said. "I haven't done anything yet. There would be nothing for me to teach."

That seemed to be-- about the age Bill's parents had Bill? And that was a mindset Marcus could understand very well. Twenty years was a short time to achieve something and Bill, as a human, wouldn't get the time to wander about in indecision. Not like Marcus had done that either, even if he supposedly had had the opportunity. It made him wonder even why had he been in such a rush to do things?

He wouldn't be surprised if he learned that he had a Ureal soul. Yet it felt like being an Ureal made him slow down quite a lot. Sleep was a thing, food was a thing, making love was a thing--

Marcus reached up a spoonful of pudding to Bill, Bill ate it.

"It's just-- you are too amazing," he said gulping down the sweet. Marcus was still confused, so Bill added. "I don't think many would be up for switching gender and bearing kids like it was no big deal-- you have to-- like-- really really REALLY like the other person."

"But I do really really--" Marcus didn't get to continue either talking or eating the pudding, now figuring what this was about. Bill felt loved. Accurately so.


None of the two were aware that at that moment four people had a drink to celebrate the prospect of 'normal' grandchildren.

"See, you had needless worries," Lydia said to Jerry.

"Damn, right, aliens, magic, everything can be done!" He said and hit his glass against Lydia's.

Jemma and Levi exchanged wry smiles, but they did agree. In their case, they had a daughter who was being happily 'eaten' by a drunk huge-ass-worm boy and that, coupled with that incredulous 'of course' made by Marcus gave them an intuition for where this might be going.

Stephanie had always been a serious, honest, hardworking and talented girl and that carried over in her pursuit of a boy she liked. Some of those songs she had written-- couldn't be written by a girl in a platonic relationship. And while the boy she had picked was awfully capable, even more than their adopted alien prince son, he was still a kid. (Kid who had lived some billions of years, but-- small details) Now a drunk kid. An awfully capable drunk kid no one on this planet could stop from 'eating' their daughter.

Stephanie herself had been a result of drinking, Jemma and Levi were all too well aware how little drunk people cared, especially drunk people in love who felt like they had everything in front of them.

Would they judge? Not really. Stephanie could probably support an army of kids with the talent and connections she had. Their only concern was if they would be able to accept little fat wormies, even if Stephanie would probably be happy even with that.

But, turned out, Marcus was not only able to but also willing to make kids with Bill one day and seeing the looks the two exchanged, that seemed like a set deal, so--

Glasses clinked, drinks were had and the four continued their now usual banter of anything that came to mind.

Their kids might be a precious part of their lives and mind space, but the four still had their own lives, interests and their own romance to tend to, so most of their conversations or actions didn't have much to do with their kid's affairs.

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