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Their school was divided into three buildings, each with a roof and a garden, separated off from the other two by trees high enough to hide them. If you were a middle schooler, the only building you ever saw or visited was the middle one; the other two might not even exist.

But as Marcus was filling out his Physics exam two days after doing Maths, he became intensely aware of the High school building, more precisely, the toolshed by it. One of his (or Tharurun's) believers was sending a chilling distress signal, praying like his life depended on it.

Marcus was not a human, and he was not Tharurun either, one human perishing shouldn't make that much of a difference, but before he knew it, he had hastily written up the last answer, passed the sheet over and dashed into a run.

When he reached the tool shed of the high school building, he was covered in leaves and little branches, but he barely made it in time before his believer had bled to death. Like with Bill, as soon as he put his arms on the wound, it started closing, and the distress signal that had started to grow faint restored to being just a weak connection no thicker than a spider's thread.

Marcus looked around - there was nothing here that might have served as the weapon, it didn't look like this male had toppled over either--

"The fuck are you?" A rough voice spoke up from the door.

Marcus felt-- like he was caught up in a villain cartoon set in high school? The middle high-schooler looked to be two years older than anyone in high school should be, and his two lackey-friends were - one thin and tall, one short and fat.

And there was the murder weapon - a square metal rod with some blood still on it.

Marcus straightened out with his hands bloody from cleaning up the mess they had just caused. He waited for the three to step in, let out a breath, and used the first spell he got from Tharurun.

The three were shocked, then tried to let out their voices, but even that was hard when there was such force pressing on them. Marcus closed the doors, then ate up some memories from the three, one by one, while they still squirmed on the ground in pain.

It was stupid.

The three idiots did not aim to kill this guy. They intended to beat him up and leave him there, that unlucky almost lethal strike had been the result of the ringleader gorilla being an idiot and not being aware just how fragile human heads were.

Motive? The girl the gorilla liked has her eyes on this fellow. Why? Because he's smart and pretty (she did phrase it like that). So - easy solution - beat him up, so he's ugly, and during exam season, so he fails some grades.

After Marcus was done with the three - none of them had any memory of this guy(Axel Lemon) or the girl(Greta Brom).

Axel snapped out then, sitting up and seeing Marcus with bloody hands, three idiots who had assaulted him before laying on the floor with some blood on their cheeks where Marcus had held them.

The guy touched where his wound had been, then looked up at Marcus. "Tharurun."

What?-- Marcus had been about to erase the guy's memory. But then the guy goes and names him as his god at the very moment when he tries to freeze the guy in place.

"Thank you for saving me," he said next and bowed.

No, if the guy considered him to be his god, then he could make use of it first. "Clean up the blood," Marcus said.

The guy looked at where he had lied and gulped-- then got off his partly bloody jacket and started wiping the blood up with it. It didn't come off perfectly, but most of it was gone.

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