Introducing boyfriend

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That night Stephanie got Purple to sing and got to see deep space in all its various colors, not seeing a reason not to, she improvised along on the piano, after all - she couldn't enchant her fingers to cause illusions, so whatever sounds she made only added on without disrupting what was there. And space was - silent, so Purple's voice felt lonely.

What started out with him looking maybe a bit bored even, like he had sang the same thing for thousands of times, soon turned into something he could sing with a smile.

Purple was excited to continue, so he asked. "Can you come after breakfast?"

Stephanie smiled. "Sure!" This was too fun to stop and so she snapped out in the mossy soft bed, feeling refreshed, as the door opened.

"Ah, you are up," Mom said. "Something smells delicious downstairs."

Stephanie got up.

"Tim isn't waking," Dad said as he walked up to them.

"That's normal," Stephanie said, of course he wouldn't wake up when his insides are elsewhere-- "I can ask Albus for you?" She actually might, maybe Marcus was being a bit irresponsible.

"Ok..." Dad agreed and so Stephanie went to join Albus and Marcus by their breakfast.

"Is it ok if Tim is not waking for so long?" She asked as she picked up a mushroom leaf roll. Marcus was already eating, relishing the taste with such a blissful smile, that it was hard not to join him.

"Yes, there's no problem," Albus replied and sipped some of the green vegetable cream soup.

"Usual elven cuisine is not this good, is it?" Marcus asked with sparkles in his eyes.

"Recipe wise it is," Albus said. "It's not usually this rich in aether, though."

"There are elves in Ahea?" Stephanie asked with sparkling eyes. She knew they had emigrated, but she wanted to hear more. Did they live in seclusion or did they mingle with people normally? How did their livespans work in Ahea?

"Of course," Albus replied, but it looked like she had some business with Marcus, as the following words were spoken in a different language that sounded a lot like Latin, but melodic, freely flowing, probably how Latin would sound if spoken as a first language.

Stephanie felt her lips form a pout, but she got the cue so she went over to parents.

"I checked with Albus, Timothy is all good," Stephanie said.

"That's good, then," Dad said and sipped some soup.

For a while they focused on eating, then Mom casually asked: "Dear, do snarlings taste good?"

"I wonder, I haven't tasted one--" Stephanie said, they were astrals-- what alignment, though? Then she squinted at Mom. So Mom remembered that 'game' conversation, huh?

Mom had a knowing smile on her face.

"How is that purple thing from yesterday called?" Dad asked.

Ugh. "He's not a thing," Stephanie said with a pout. If they would know something for now, then at least they could not call her boyfriend's body part a 'thing'. "That's a wisp, it's a tiny part of a bigger creature called Purple. He might not be using much brain resources on wisps, but he still feels and hears stuff."

Parents exchanged looks.

"So your boyfriend is called Purple?" Mom asked.

Eh-- EHH?? The last bit of her wrap fell into her soup bowl. Stephanie turned bright red-- D-d-d-did they peek in her room yesterday??!!

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