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He entered the local flower shop down the road with a smile on his face. He slowly browsed the shop until his eyes fell on a bouquet of beautiful red roses.

These are perfect!

With the exotic flowers resting in his arms, he made his way over to the till.

"Who's the special lady?" The cashier asked with a smirk plastered upon his face.

Adrien smiled to himself, then looked at the man who appeared to be in his late thirties, "It's for my girlfriend. Today is her birthday, and I wanted to surprise her with a gift."

The brown eyed man smiled as he took the money, "Here you go. I hope your evening is splendid!"

"Thanks, it will be."

Without a single second to waste, Adrien was already out of the door and on his way to his girlfriend's apartment.

He felt proud as he remembered all the past moments that they had spent together. She was perfect, and he wouldn't even hesitate to give her the world.

The walk wasn't too long, but he eventually made it to the front door. He took in a deep breath as his hand gripped the gold doorknob.

As the door swang open, he was greeted by a bright, yellow hue as the sunlight struck his sculptured face. After a moment, his eyes adjusted to the light and he began to climb the stairs.

As he reached the top, he heard some very strange noises coming from behind the bedroom door.

His heart began to race, and his face felt hot. He shut his eyes; hoping and praying that his assumptions were false.

After three seconds, his trembling hand pushed the door open. His eyes were not prepared for what stood before him.

"Kagami!?" He shouted, as he felt the betrayal intensity.

The girl immediately stood up, and said nothing. She just watched her boyfriend look at her with tears building up in his forest green eyes. She attempted to say something, but her words were trapped above the ever increasing feelings of guilt and regret.

Timeless moments had passed, and still the blond remained silent. He could feel the life being sucked out of his body as he just stood there, emotionless.

Without a single word, he turned his back to the girl that he once loved with all of his heart.

The roses fell to the ground as she began to run after him, but he only continued to walk away from her. Without saying anything, she knew it was over.

With his body fading away into a silhouette, she dropped to the ground. She began to weep, knowing that she had just made a terrible mistake.

Adrien couldn't even turn around to look at her. His heart shattered in that very instant, and he could feel the rage begin to flow from within.

His vision began to blur, and his heart rate increased. At that very instant he felt defeated. He had given her everything, and she threw it away like it was nothing.

With the betrayal never leaving, he punched the wall with his fists. He screamed as the tears began to flow down his cheeks. It was over, and that was hard to accept.

Just moments before, he was planning to spend the evening with the love of his life, but now he was alone sobbing on the cold floor.

No matter how much he tried, he would never be able to turn back the clock, and that terrified him to the core.

He would have to start over from the very beginning.

As he stood up from the ground, he clenched his fists and stared at the wall. He could feel all sense of emotion leaving his broken soul, as if he were but a shell.

He denied his feelings, and wished to no longer feel anything, as the icy rope of negativity wrapped itself around his beaten spirit.

He was no longer the Adrien Agreste that the world knew and loved; he was a stranger.


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