Chapter Twenty-two (Part 1)

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The moment Marinette entered the backstage hall, an uncomfortable darkness seemed to consume her entire being. Her heart began to pound as cheers of laughter and excitement instantaneously flooded the auditorium.

She didn't know how much time was left before she would have to go up on stage and face her demons, but she knew that her seconds were numbered.

The nervous teenager took in a few unsynchronized deep breathes, when her lungs began to feel heavier than usual. Her anxiety was rising by the second, but no matter what she tried, she just couldn't seem to contain her negative emotions.

More then anything, she wanted to run away. She wanted to run and never return. How could she go up on stage and let everyone mock her in silence?

Her body was trembling from all the adrenaline that was serging throughout her fragile veins. She just couldn't do it!

Before the blue-eyed girl could change her indecisive mind, she turned around, ready to run. She tightened her jaw and swallowed hard, before walking towards the exit.

When the unwanted sound of her pounding heart suddenly entered her eardrums, the background noise eventually faded away into nothing more then a painful memory.

Marinette could feel a migranine coming along. She quickly pinched the bridge of her nose in attempts to lessen the immense pressure. She needed to try to relax, and just hoped that some fresh air would do the trick!

But unfortunately for her, her painful reality was made evident when she accidentally crashed into someone...

A sharp, shooting pain instantly resonated throughout her skull, which in turn, caused the anxious musician to groan out in agony. After a single moment of silence had passed by, she reluctantly glanced up, hoping to identify said individual.

A dull light immediately struck his blue locks and kind eyes, causing the female to slightly relax.

"Marinette..?" he hesitated, "Where are you going?"

The bluenette was pale with shock. She had been so caught up in her own intrusive thoughts, that she had almost forgotten that she wasn't alone.

After a second of contemplating her various options, she decided that she had to stay. No matter how much she wanted to leave, she just couldn't abandon her friends. Besides, it would be over before she even knew it. At least that's what she told herself...

She quickly regained her composure and stared right into Luka's concerned eyes, before giving him a small smile.

"Uh... No where..? I just... Nevermind..." Her once bright blue eyes seemed to loose their sparkle, as she sadly looked away.

Her friend blankly stared at her, trying to understand her sudden change of heart.

After the awkward silence began to weigh both of them down, the guitarist decided that he needed to say something.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine! Don't worry about it!" She clenched her jaw shut and folded her arms, without making eye contact with him.

Marinette's tone concerned Luka. He had known the clumsy baker for a few months now, so he could definitely tell that something was wrong.

Just as soon as the girl muttered those words, she instantly regretted it. She was so overwhelmed by all the stress, that she let her emotions get the better of her!

Her jaw instantly dropped and her dark eyebrows formed a single crease in the center of her forehead.

"I'm so sorry... I-" Her voice was weak, as she helplessly attempted to fix her mistake.

Luka didn't even hesitate. He gave the distressed girl an understanding smile; knowing that she honestly didn't mean to snap at him. He understood that it was natural for her to feel the way she did, because of everything she had gone through. But he also knew that he needed to try and calm her down.

If he failed, Marinette would completely miss Adrien's surprise! Right there, his mind was made up. He had to convince her to stay; no matter the cost!

Cautiously reaching for her shoulder, Luka suddenly spoke up, "It's okay! I know you are nervous and all that, but you should try to relax. Everything will turn out just fine! Trust me..."

Marinette could feel herself frown. How could Luka be so sure? It's not like he could even begin to understand how she was feeling!

He was popular, and everyone loved him. And even though he was unfortunately also included in Lila's evil plan of deception, everyone quickly forgot all about it.

The main focus of all those nasty rumors was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. The anger and frustration was becoming quite evident, but she knew that she just had to suppress those feelings for a little while longer.

After all, Luka was only trying to help her feel better. She knew that nothing he said could ever change the way she felt, but she was just greatful for his friendship.

The bluenette was about to thank him for his 'efforts' at trying to ease her anxiety, when an unnatural silence suddenly interpreted both of them.

"What's going on?" She thought out loud.

"I'm not sure..."

After giving her very supportive friend a confused look, Marinette decided to go and see what all the hype was about.

"I'm going to go and check it out..." She nonchalantly stated.

Luka didn't say anything, but the young baker could tell by the look in his eyes that he didn't seem to really mind. He merely shrugged his shoulders before bending down to pick up his instrument, that was leaning up against the wall.

Marinette unknowingly bit her lip. She couldn't help but wonder what was happening on the other side of the curtain. Without wasting anymore time, she took a leap of faith before peeping her head through the heavy veil.

She wasn't able to see much, and for a second she thought her eyes were deceiving her. Her heart immediately began to race with fear and curiosity.

'What on earth is Adrien doing?'

The anticipation was agonizing to say the least... Millions of unanswered questions flooded her mind as she hopelessly tried to obtain the answers she so desperately craved.

Her boyfriend was standing right next to the host, and it looked like he was whispering something into her ear. Marinette honestly didn't know what to think...

The suspence was evident, as everyone's eyes remained transfixed on the vulnerable blond. No one had prepared for this moment, which only seemed to fuel the blue-eyed girl's unquenched curiosity.

She remained like that for a couple of minutes, just watching him from a distance, wondering what he was doing.

With the questions never leaving her brain, Adrien hesitantly stepped away from the middle-aged woman before brushing a hand through his neat hair. Marinette could tell that he was really nervous, because his movements were extremely awkward, and he just seemed out of place...

His face was pale, and his body was stiff to the core. The pressure was unbearable, but deep down he knew that he couldn't back down. This was the only chance he had to prove Marinette's innocence.

He took in a deep breath before reverting his gaze to the floor. He clutched onto a single piece of paper, secretly hoping that it would give him some confidence.

As time seemed to slow down by every passing second, the waiting eventually came to an unexpected end, when the brunette woman hesitantly gestured towards Adrien.

The unnamed woman glanced at the model with skepticism in her big green eyes, but nevertheless shook her head before reaching for her microphone.

"Here's Adrien Agreste, singing the song entitled 'For You'..?"


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