Chapter One

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As a heavenly sound resonated throughout the bedroom, her eyes slightly adjusted to the unnatural brightness. She slowly reached for her smartphone and took a glance at the time.

"Quater past Eight!? Oh no, it's only my first day and I'm already late!" The teen scolded herself.

She frantically got out of bed, and raced to her closet. As she searched through her clothes, she grabbed something that looked alright.

I guess this will just have to do...

She quickly put the outfit on, then looked into the mirror. Her hair was all messy and her eyes looked tired.

She reached for her hairbrush and quickly put her hair in two cute pigtails.

I hope this looks okay...

When her hair looked neat, she raced to her bathroom and brushed her teeth.

After about ten seconds, she reached for her backpack and headed through the door.

When she arrived downstairs, she was greeted by her loving mother.

"Morning chérie! I made you breakfast. Here, have a bite!" Her mother said while handing her daughter a plate full of delicious food.

Marinette kindly took the plate, but placed it back on the kitchen table.

"Thanks Maman, but I have to run. I'm already late!"

"Okay then, have a good day!" She waved goodbye while picking up a bag of flour.

Before the teen headed out of the door, she ran back and gave her mother a big hug.

"Thanks, and same to you! Please also tell Papa I say goodbye."

Her mother gave her a smile and nodded.


Her walk to school was rather nerve-racking. She had never been to school before, and had no idea what to expect.

Countless possibilities began to fill her mind with uncertainty. She kept thinking about the students and how they might treat her.

She was quite clumsy, which gave her a few insecurities.

What if they don't like me...?

She began to feel her heart race at the thought. She needed to stay positive, but it was unbelievably difficult.

She quickly overcame her racing thoughts and pushed the unwanted negativity away.

As she stood in front of her new school, she took a deep breath. The bell had already rung, which meant that she needed to hurry.

She raced through the door, while paying no attention to her surroundings.

After about two seconds of running, she instantaneously came to a standstill. Three seconds had passed before a sudden pain overtook her body.

She groaned and rubbed the back of her throbbing head.

As she looked up, her eyes caught a glimpse of the most beautiful sea of emerald green that she had ever seen. They were stunning to say the least, and they seemed to hypnotize her every movement.

She began to feel a little faint as she continued to stare deep into the stranger's extraordinary eyes.

She tried to say something, but no words came.

Why was she mute all of a sudden? She couldn't understand her strange behavior, and instantly felt a wave of embarrassment drowning her.

The stranger still hadn't said anything, which caused the tension that lingered between them to intensity significantly.

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