▪︎ Chapter 17 ▪︎

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End of awakening

The room was in silence, to Rui only thing she could hear at the moment was Yui's soft breaths growing weaker.
Rui sat by Yui's still body. She doesn't seem panicked but slightly worried while watching her sister's face paled as the seconds pass.

"I can't believe she'd go and stab herself. Our little bitch is different, I'll give her that." Laito said as he adjusted his fedora with a slight amused voice but his usual playfulness seemed less.
"For a bait, she's a lot of trouble." Shu followed up while staring at Yui with not much expression.

Kanato:"Is she gonna disappear?.." he asked while hugging his Teddy up to his face. Subaru stood next to him with a clenched fist, looking worriedly at Yui with soft eyes.
"Subaru." Ayato called out to him and continued "Can I pull this thing out now?" His fingers reached the silver knife that was stabbed into Yui's chest.
Subaru:"Wait... I'll do it." He pulled out the bloodied knife slowly.

Rui just quietly sat in her place and listened to their conversation. She reached out to hold Yui's hands in hers. "So cold.." She muttered.
In her head she thought 'Yui, are these brothers really worth to hurt yourself like this? I wonder if you thought about what would happen to me when decided to do this?... ' she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to clear her head. Suddenly a big hand fell her on top of her head gently patted her.

Rui looked up and saw Subaru next to her. He didn't say anything nor did he looked at the little girl but his hand still patted her head softly.
'So he's worried about me.' Rui thought and just let it be.

After a while later:

In the long hallway, the only sound that could be heard is Rui's small steps.
Moonlight was seeping through the tall windows into the dark hallway.
Rui looked up at the sky and saw the red shaded moon.

She thought back about the brothers reaction to Yui. "All of them seemed to worry, huh.." She honestly was feeling a little complicated summing up the whole thing and looking at it in contrast now. 'Before Yui appeared in this mansion, there were plenty other brides before who have died mostly in their hands." The image of the wax figures flashed in her mind.

Rui:'Yui never really bonded with the characters on emotional level, mostly it has been physical

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Rui:'Yui never really bonded with the characters on emotional level, mostly it has been physical. She doesn't treat the guys any diffrent but somehow they're showing quite a level of affection towards her. Is it because she's the main character? But this is a real world now, there is a proper past and proper future. So everything will eventually fall in line no matter what? After everything in the story finishes what's beyond that? The awakening part is almost over. If I just disappear right now would the story continue as usual? Do I have a purpose?'
She felt a little nostalgic feeling wash over as she continued walking forward.

The pinkette was reminded of a certian person at the spot. "No one to really talk to. Do I feel lonely?" She questioned herself.

Flashback in the 1st world, few years ago:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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