Chapter 10

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Violets POV

Everything was packed up and ready to go, I gave Sophia and Glenn a hug and got into the back of Ricks car. Carl sat beside me, Rick drove an Lori sat in the passenger seat. It was a quiet ride for the first 10 minutes or so then Lori started talking about there trip to the Grand Canyon, they never made it all the way cause Carl got sick and they had to turn back.

Glenn's POV

"God dang it." Dale said slamming his fists on the steering wheel of the RV.

"what" I asked"

"The damm radiator hose is broken" he said climbing out of the RV.

I followed him out and told everybody what was going on so we started looking through the cars around us. Shane opened up the back of a cargo truck and it was loaded with full water tanks.

Violets POV

The car stopped and Glenn came and told us that the radiator hose is broken and needs a replacement. Carl and I quickly found Sophia and we were all just sorta hanging out when out of nowhere a herd of walkers started coming towards us. Rick motioned for us all to get under the cars, Sophia and I were under the same car and Carl was under the one beside us. We watched the walkers pass us Sophia thought it was safe so she started to crawl out but there was still a few walkers left and they came after her. I rolled out from under the car and pulled her out I ran into the woods and Sophia was close behind me. I could hear something running behind us it grabbed Sophia and ran up beside me. It was Rick I felt a little safer knowing he was there. Rick jumped into a stream and told us to stay in a dam that was nearby he drew the walkers away from us. Sophia and I came out when it was safe and we started walking back. A walker came out of nowhere and it bit Sophia's shoulder I pushed it off of her ad smashed its head with a rock.
"No, no, no Sophia" I rested her head on my lap and started to cry.

I have to lie to the group about her. They knew I was strong enough to kill it, i could have saved her. I left Sophia there and found a small cave that only i could fit in and I stayed there for the night.

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