Chapter 14

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Violets POV
When I woke up Daryl was sitting in the chair Maggie was in. He looked at me and chewed on a toothpick.
"So, you wanna go huntin'?" He finally asked.

I looked at Carl "uhh yea sure" I replied getting off the bed.

As we were walking out I saw Rick and returned his gun, he thanked me. I didn't really know Daryl but I really wanted to get away from where Carl was I couldn't stand to see him like that. Daryl brought me to the field and set his crossbow down and threw me over his back, he spun around in circles until he was dizzy then he set me down and laughed.

"Sorry, It looked like you needed to have some fun, and with all this shit going on I needed a break." Daryl said regaining his balance.

I laughed and jumped on his back we ran around having fun and when I looked over at the porch I saw the group, they were all staring at us laughing and for a moment everyone seemed happy. I pointed them out to Daryl and he put me down picked up his crossbow and started walking back.

"Wait, where are you going" I asked grabbing his arm.

He stopped turned around and shot his crossbow. I fell.....Daryl picked me and put my head in his shoulder. He jumped the fence set me down and shot the walkers that were slowly walking towards us.

He saved my life. Daryl started to walk back and I was right beside him. When we got to the house Rick wanted me to see Carl I really didn't want to but I had no choice.

I was reading charlottes web in the chair beside Carl, he had woken up and wanted to me read to him so I did.

Blam Blam

There were gunshots coming from outside, I ran to the window to see what was going on. The barn it was opened, and walkers were pouring out of it.

"Violet..violet whats going on" Carl asked struggling to get up.

"Nothing, stay here I gotta help them" I got him to lay back down then ran outside.

I started to shoot the walkers then when we thought they were all killed, another one came out.... Everyone was speechless and nobody knew what to do.

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