Chapter 13

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Ricks POV
I ran to Carl and caught him before he fell, I picked him up and the man said he has a farm that can help my son. I looked at Shane and he nodded and started running back to the highway. Daryl, Glenn and Violet must have been pretty close because they came running towards us as soon as Daryl and Glenn saw what happened to Carl they ran to the highway. But Violet, when she saw Carl, she must have had mixed emotions cause she threw a knife at the fat man but missed. "take us to you're god damn farm" she commanded holding her gun to his head. The man gulped and started leading us to the farm.

When we got to the farm an older man came outside and got a girl to get a room ready. He asked me what blood type Carl was and what our names are. I answered and Laid Carl down on the bed. "My son and I, we have the same blood type" I told the man just in case. Violet had a death grip on my hand and the man started to make conversation. "well my name is Hershel, and this is Patricia. He man who shot your son is Otis and my two daughter are Maggie and Beth." he said cheerfully "and I'm assuming that this is you're son and daughter, right?"
"Well actually she's not my daughter" I replied.
"Honey do you know this man?" Hershel asked Violet. she nodded yes.

Violet POV
It was getting late, I was getting to know Maggie and Beth pretty well I thought they were kinda cool. Rick walked over to me and pulled me aside for a minute.
"Violet you have to get back to the highway, the group is probably worried sick about us." Rick told me
"But Rick, I'm only 12 and I don't know the area, and it's already getting dark" I said getting worried.
"Ok fine, I'm going to go and get the group you stay here with Carl"

Rick went to Maggie and asked her for a map and a horse, And before I knew it he was handing me a hand gun and two packs of bullets, then he was headed for the highway.

I went into the room that Carl was in and I sat on the bed beside him. I stroked his hair, Maggie Walked in and sat on the chair beside him.
"Thought I would keep you company" Maggie looked at me. "he you're boyfriend or something?" She teased,
"No.." I said calmly, I yawned and laid down beside Carl and fell asleep.

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