Chapter 5- The Unexpected Reunion

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Percy didn't expect to see Angel covered in bandages, but he also didn't expect to see a beat up and bloody Magnus by the entrance of Camp Jupiter. Percy had to stop the guards from shooting at Magnus for intruding.

Percy ran up to Magnus, steadying him by holding his shoulders. His eyes were watery and panicked.

"W-what?! Percy! What are you doing here??"  Magnus managed to choke out.

"I'm a friend of the Praetor. I went to this camp for a while, you know. And woah, what happened to you?"

"What do you think happened?! Monsters! You've gotta help me, Perce! Please!" His voice cracked, desperation in his eyes.

"What's wrong? With what?"

"ALEX IS MISSING! I LOST HIM!" (He's a guy right now, let's pretend Magnus can feel what gender he's in)

"Oh schist. Alright, where did you see him last?" Percy asked worriedly.

"I last saw him at the airport. We were walking peacefully because we thought that beasts from our myths wouldn't show up here, but it turns out we attract monsters from your myths as well!" He wailed. "Alex might be in trouble!"

"Alright, calm down Magnus. We'll find him, I promise. Take me to where you last saw him and we can start looking for him but don't worry, I have lots of experience with dealing with monsters. First you have to get tended to in the Infirmary or else you'll get even worse." Percy reasoned.


"No buts. That's my only condition so follow it."

Magnus nodded dejectedly and let Percy drag him to the Infirmary. Percy spoke with Magnus to distract him from the pain.

"Magnus, why did you come all the way here? Don't you like it at Valhalla?"

Magnus winced from the medicine that the healer was applying. "Of course. I get to be there with Alex."

"I thought you hated Alex? But obviously not from that display of emotions back there."

"Course I don't hate Alex. What I meant was I get to be there with Alex AND my other friends. But we came here for a vacation. A VACATION! Can't we have any peace?! And now Alex is m-missing."

Magnus teared up. Percy winced. He had just realized how much Magnus reminded him of Annabeth. He should probably tell him about what happened between them later when he was stable.

"The healer is almost done, Magnus. We can go look for Alex tomorrow when you are rested."

"NO! Percy, please! We can't wait that long. What if she's in trouble?!"

"She? How can you tell what gender she's in?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. I can just feel it. I just wish I knew where she was."

"Fine. We'll go now, we can take Blackjack."

Magnus smiled weakly. "Thanks, Percy."

"Alright. Eat this ambrosia and let's hope it doesn't kill you. Let's go!" Percy stood up and walked out of the Infirmary.

Magnus stumbled along, trying to catch up to Percy.

-Time Skip-

Percy and Magnus were on Blackjack after informing Reyna and his friends about where he was going. First, he checked on Angel and thankfully he was recovering nicely. The soldier that hurt him was given a small punishment since he overdid it.

They were on their way to Los Angeles, where Magnus has last seen Alex. They stopped at the hotel where Magnus and Alex were staying at.

Percy followed Magnus up the stairs as he led the way to their room. There was monster dust everywhere and everything was trashed in the room. A small trail of human blood led them into the bathroom. Magnus barged in, ready to kill. Alas, they only saw a note on the sink.

Dear Magnus Chase,

I figured that you would come back here to save your dear Alex. I'm sure you don't want anything bad to happen to this freak, but alas things don't always turn out the way we want them to.

Address is ******** ST If you want to recover Alex safely, then bring me Percy Jackson and the blade of Piper McLean. You have an hour after you read this. Time starts now.


Magnus paled when he realized that the letter was stained with blood. Alex's blood.

"! A-Alex!" Magnus fell onto his knees and sobbed quietly. He shook uncontrollably.

"We'll find Alex, Magnus. I promise. I can get Piper's blade easy and I'm already here, aren't I? I'll find a way for all of us to get out of this safely. Let's go back to camp so I can get Piper's blade."

Magnus stood up shakily. He nodded glumly and followed Percy as he walked to meet Blackjack.
They quickly retrieved Piper's knife and went straight to the address that was left for them.

It was eerie and abandoned. They stood outside the abandoned hotel on time by a minute and forty five seconds.

The gates opened, revealing cyclops and titans in armor, ready to fight.

"Magnus. Get your sword out and try your best. I have your back, okay?"

Magnus nodded. The ran towards the monsters and defeated some easily while others were more challenging.

"AH!" Magnus yelled as a titan scratched across his chest. His sword buzzed and he continued slashing at titans and cyclops.

Percy was occupied drowning monsters with the water from the river. He slashed and kept on fighting until every last one of them were gone.

Magnus has sweat running down his forehead as he stumbled forward tiredly. "We're fine. We're fine. Let's go Perce."

Percy jogged to Magnus and proceeded to enter the hotel. On the front desk, there was another note.

Greetings, friends!

I hope you guys enjoyed my last surprise, it took me a while to organize all these monsters. I'm honestly shocked you guys passed the first text. I guess love really is strong.
Next up- Your Alex. Here you go, as promised.

A small card was under the note. Room 221.

They both ran to the stairs and went upstairs as quickly as possible. Magnus nervously fumbled to unlock the door with the card and dropped the card 2 times before he finally opened it. He screamed at the horrible sight.

There was bodies everywhere. Monsters, demigods, animals. They were all dead. There were muffled screams coming from the right corner of the room.

Percy and Magnus ran over to check under the bags of who knows what is inside and are shocked to see Alex curled up in a ball under the bags.

Magnus teared up and picked up Alex, taking off his blindfold and gag.

"M-Magnus..." he whispered.


Percy shivered at the evil laughter.


Alex was clinging to Magnus as the voice finished speaking. Percy ignored the voice and dragged both boys outside quickly. "Get on Blackjack quickly. Go to camp. I'll bring Alex with me to Camp a bit later but he needs help. You don't realize it, but he's not even awake right now. Please just bring me Will Solace. He must be at Camp Jupiter by now and also bring more transportation this time."

Magnus nodded reluctantly and left, leaving Alex on Percy's arms.

Percy felt for Alex's pulse.




He's dead.

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