Chapter 20

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Luke barged into the old bedroom and almost cried out in shock.

"VEGA!" He screamed, stumbling over to get to his beloved leader. "VEGA, NO!"

The poor boy laid on the ground as much as he could, his arms chained up to the wall. He was covered in his own blood and was sickly pale. Rachel and Reyna lay by his side, both girls crying their eyes out. Jason stood in front of Vega, holding a knife that looked like it was made from celestial bronze.

"YOU F*CKER!" Luke screamed and lunged towards Jason, his eyes filled with hatred.

"...Luke?" Vega whispered.

Luke stopped in his tracks, whipping around to look at Vega. Vega sat up, staring at Luke with brotherly love in his eyes.

His eyes fluttered close slowly, falling unconscious.

Luke growled as he turned around to Jason again, pulling out his sword.

"For Percy Jackson." He said simply before dashing towards Jason and slashing his sword upwards, cutting his chest.

"UGH!" Jason screamed and fell on his butt. He used wind to blow Luke away.

Luke held on to a pole, stopping himself from being thrown even farther. He used his leg power and the walls to run towards Jason again.

Jason was in a weakened state, being caught off guard from the sword wound. He glanced up quickly, his eyes widening when he saw Luke preparing to stab him to death.

"No one gets to hurt my leader and get away with it. No. One." He said quietly before slamming the hilt of his sword against the boy's head, knocking him out cold.

Reyna and Rachel tended to Percy, using some of the medical supplies that Piper brought with her.

"Tie him up." Luke spat, obviously fuming.

Nico jogged up to Jason and tied him up, his nimble fingers forming secure knots carefully.

Luke slumped down on the floor, his head bleeding from a wall hitting it when he was thrown back. He crawled towards Vega, holding his hand reassuringly.

"Vega..." he said softly.

He sighed, then shook him gently. "Jackson!" He said a bit louder.

"Hmm?" Vega groaned.

"Don't sleep...sleep is bad when you're hurt."

"Oh, Luke. That's all...that's all I've done since I got here. I-it's how I got rid of the pain."

"Yeah, well, I won't know if you'll wake up if you sleep now. I'm...uh...we're here for you. You don't have to be afraid anymore," Luke spoke slowly.

There it was. The signature grin of Percy Jackson, and not Vega Loire. The troublemaker grin that caused the teachers and gods to get pissed off.

"Don't worry. I won't die for now, I promise," he whispered.

Nico jogged towards Percy, the keys jingling. He unshackled him and turned towards Reyna and Rachel, unlocking their shackles as well.

Nico shivered, saying "We should get out of here. Percy and the girls need to get treated, plus this place gives me chills."

Luke glanced at Percy, waiting for him to correct Nico about calling him by that name. He didn't.

He slowly nodded, picking up Percy in bridal-style. The girls stood up weakly, Reyna leaning on Leo and Rachel leaning on Piper. Nico and Thalia dragged Jason and Annabeth along, not caring if they got hurt.

"Huh? Percy, what's wrong with your skin?" Luke asked.

"I don't know. Ever since I got abducted, scales appeared on my skin. Look," he said, bringing his arm down from Luke's neck. "It's sharp. Claws? And my neck. There's a lot of scales too."

"That's weird. We'll ask Nyx and Poseidon when we get to camp."

Percy sighed. "How is dad handling my absence?"

"Not good at all. He's threatened to kill Jason next time he sees him, and he's slowly going back to his old weakened state. Look at the sea," he said as he pointed towards the beach. "It's dying."

Percy looked away, feeling guilty. "We should hurry and get to camp quickly then. Didn't you guys bring a vehicle? Why are you walking?"

"We did bring a car. It's up ahead, we just didn't want to alert them that we were coming."

Luke walked faster towards the car, Leo opening the passenger door to let him place Percy inside.

Luke got in the driver's seat and waited for Nico and Thalia to shove Annabeth and Jason in the trunk of the car, tying their ankles to each other. The rest of the teens got inside the back seat, occupying the two rows.

Luke stepped on the gas, anxiously tapping the steering wheel. He was nervous about everything; Percy's skin condition and injuries, Reyna and Rachel's injuries, Poseidon's pain, seeing Hermes, and so on.

They finally got to camp, everybody getting out of the car. Nico opened the trunk and flinched as a knife was impaled into his side.

Jason cackled and said "You guys are so idiotic. You never leave a weapon with the enemy."

Nico staggered backwards, tripping and falling down. "Ah sh!t. Guys...check them for weapons."

Thalia roughly pulled Jason and Annabeth by their tied up ankles and threw them at the ground.

"STOP IT! You're hurting me!" Annabeth yelled.

"Nobody told you to hurt Percy, Annabitch. Just be quiet or I'll stab you." Thalia growled as she searched them.

Then she grabbed some rope and tied Annabeth's wrists to Jason's just like their ankles. "Help me drag them in, Piper. Reyna, if you're feeling okay, please help Nico."

Reyna nodded and supported Nico. Leo carried Rachel, while Luke carried Percy. They quickly went into camp, exhausted.

"Wait. Luke, my mask. I can't breathe, and they'll see who I am!" Percy said urgently.

"I brought a spare." Luke said and reached into his bag, pulling out a gas mask. He put it in for Percy and continued.

As they neared the big house, people gathered around and watched them.

"Woah, so it was Jason and Annabeth after all. I never trusted them anyways."

"What a traitor."

"We should've never shunned Percy."

"But wasn't Percy a traitor too?"

"SHUT UP!" Luke yelled at the crowd. "DONT TALK ABOUT THINGS YOU DONT KNOW!"

They quieted down.

The doors to the big house opened, revealing Chiron and Poseidon. He looked aged and worn down, sickly pale and weak. He looked up, his eyes widening when he saw Percy.

"MY SON!!! OH GODS, OH PERCY!!" He screamed as he stumbled towards Percy. Gasps erupted from all around them.

"Oh sh!t." Luke facepalmed. "I guess you don't need to worry about hiding your identity anymore."

"Percy Jackson?"

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