4. The New Kid

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Once entering the main building of the school. Glancing around the hallways, I was in the direction I think the Principles office is.

My headphones still over my ears, my black form walks the halls in silence. Then just like always, the students in the halls around me. All stop their conversations to glance in my direction. Some point at my form, others whispering to themselves and their friends.

"And it begins." the words left my lips in a soft quiet voice.

When I finally found my destination, I pulled off my hood, as well as my headphones. I let them rest around my neck once more, as I enter the principles office. My dyed hair now showing, stands out like mad against my choice of clothing.

Walking up to the secretary desk, I notice her eyes look up to me. Through her rectangular glasses, I saw it as clear as daylight. The look of disdain crossed her eyes. Again, I was also used to the teachers, as well as the faculty members looking at me oddly as well.

"How may I help you?" She asked me finally. Her eyes looked up to my bright hair as she glanced down to the papers before her. Her question, honestly pissed me off.

"Well, why else would I be in here?" I spoke back annoyed. "This is the principal's office, is it not? I am here to see him, naturally. Not like I came here for any other reason." My hands shoved into my sweater pockets as I sighed. "Look, I am new here. First day, so I was told to come see him." I mumbled as my bright blue eyes looked towards the window.

If the lady wasn't annoyed with me already, she hated me now. "Take a seat, and you would be wise to learn how to watch your tone of attitude here. I will let Mr Nakahara, know you are here."

Looking over, I see chairs against a wall. Going to them, I left my body flop down onto one. A deep exhausted sigh escapes my lips. How I didn't want to be here.

Waiting for some time, finally I hear a door opened. Out walks a male student, most likely he got sent here for causing trouble. At least that is what the, pissed off look on his face makes me believe.

"Mr Nakahara, will see you now." 

Glancing to the secretary. I stand up and walk past her and her desk, without so much of a nod, or even a glance. Entering the office I close the door behind me.

Sitting at his desk, the principal sits. There is a folder before him, already opened. I take in his appearance, He is an older man. Perhaps in his mid forties. His dark hair is starting to show grey streaking in it, the stress from the students probably adding to that a lot. His blue eyes look to me, from behind the glasses that sit on his nose.

"Hikaru Yamashita, do come in." Least compared to that witch at the desk, he seems a little nicer. "Please, take a seat." Motioning to the chairs across from himself and his desk. Silently I walk across the office and sit facing him. "Let me be the first to welcome you to, Okayama High School." He may seem nice, but I already know. This man is way to cheery for my liking. 

Looking to his folder he picks up papers. I silently sit there, just watching him. "So, I see here that you have been to many schools within the past couple of years." His blue eyes flicker to me, however I remain silent. My face blank of emotion as I inwardly groaned. He clearly knows that from my files, so why waste the time and ask me. "Right." He cleared his throat, once he noticed I wasn't going to reply. "Lets go over your classes then."

Handing me a piece of paper. I merely just stared at it for a moment, before taking it in my own hand. My eyes go over the courses marked down.

Science, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Physical Education, Advanced Literature

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