30. Ryuuzaki's Struggles

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Ryuuzaki's PoV

Sitting in the car, that day keeps entering my mind. Far from regretting my actions however, knowing full well that bastard deserved what he got. Glancing down at my hand, it clenches into a fist. The memory of me slamming it right into Hanzu's face was extremely pleasing.

"Why did he even have to show up at our school." Sighing my head fell forward. My forehead now resting on the steering wheel, as I remained sitting in my parked car. I wasn't stupid, I knew full well once he was well enough to leave the hospital. He may come after Hikaru again. I would have to do everything I can to make sure he doesn't.

Though I lucked out only being seventeen, if I were eighteen I could have been in bigger trouble. I am still legally a minor, but once eighteen comes around. Than I would be considered an adult. Which could get me into huge shit, if I beat him up like that again.

Though sadly at this very moment, that was the least of my struggles. Raising my forehead from the wheel, my face looks out the window. Chewing the inside of my cheek nervously, I shake my head to clear my thoughts. My shaggy brown locks moving freely.

"Oh come on Ryuuzaki, you got this." Muttering to myself I reach a hand out to open my car door. Hesitating still I groan and grip the handle opening it. Crawling out of the car, I shut its door and just stare up the driveway before me.

Slowly walking up the drive, I knew I had to at least attempt this. I couldn't stay at Toshi's much longer, they don't have the space for me. Besides, perhaps my parents have come to terms with my decision.

Raising my hand to knock on the front door, I freeze and breath out hotly. "This is still my home too." Pulling out my keys, I unlock the door and push it opened slowly. There were no cars in the driveway, was anyone even home?

"Mom? Uhh Dad?" I awkwardly call out as I step into the foyer. Shutting the door behind me, I heard footsteps running down the stairs. Glancing to them I saw her blonde hair bouncing as she ran and hugged me tightly.

"Ryuu-nii!" Hugging her back, I smiled seeing my little sister. She buried her face into my chest, this reminded me of Hika in a way. "I missed you so much!"

"Missed you too Akira. Sorry for just up and leaving like I did." Running my hand through her soft hair, I had to eventually ask. "Where is mom and dad?"

"They aren't home, probably at work." She spoke quietly. It was clear Akira missed me greatly. I never should have just left her like that, I could have made time for her away from home.

"Come on Akira, help me get some more things from my room." I released her hug, and started to walk to the stairway.

"Ryuu, you can't go up there!" She cried out, making me stop. Turning my gaze onto her, I watched silent tears falling down her cheeks.


"Mom and Dad were so angry..." She whispered out weakly.

With a racing heart, I ran up the stairs. I heard her following behind me, as I got to my door and pushed it open. Standing there too shocked to speak, my eyes took in the view.


"When did they?" That was honestly all I could say at this very moment. My brown eyes stared around the completely empty room. There was absolutely nothing left inside of it. Stepping into my bedroom, my hand raised up and gripped at the shirt over my chest.

"The day after you left." Akira whispered quietly. "They kept saying over and over, that as long as you remained dating Hikaru. You are no longer their son."

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