32. Day From Hell

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Waking up the following morning, I found my form in Ryuuzaki's tight warm embrace. One of his shirts were pulled over my body, I loved how big and baggy that sat on my form. My mind wanders to the events of last night. Unable to stop myself, a smile forms on my lips.

"Morning, what are you smiling about?" Ryuuzaki asked tiredly as he kissed my forehead.

My face heated up slightly, as I cuddled up into his warmth more. "I was thinking of last night. Is it going to be like this every night?" The question left my lips, I very much enjoyed waking up in his strong arms.

"Guess it will be, I am happy to hold you in my arms every night while we sleep." He replied back. His eyes closing for a moment as we relaxed on the bed together.

"Mm, this just feels so much cozier than I remember." Whispering my head lay in the crook of his neck. Inhaling his scent my eyes closed. This truly did feel cozier for some odd reason. Guess my bed, was way comfier than I realized. Especially after being in a hospital bed up until now.

Suddenly a deep soft laugh escaped Ryuu's lips. His chest raised up, as he made my head move with it. "I was wondering how long it was going to take you to notice."

"Notice what?" I asked fully confused. What was new, that apparently I never noticed. Sitting up for a moment to stare around my room. I saw space beside Ryuu and the edge of the bed still. "Wait..."

"Finally noticed?" He continued to still laugh.

Usually when we shared my bed, Ryuu's form was always right near the edge of the bed. "My bed, is bigger?" How did my bed get bigger. My eyes went wide as I stared down at Ryuu.

"You did say you loved how comfy my bed was.." He propped himself up on his elbows and arms. A dashing smirk upon his lips as he watched my reaction.


"I know a buddy, who has a truck." He chuckled deeply. "It was an easy enough switch."

"God, you truly are perfect." Muttering I move back down laying on the bed. I smiled now noticing the difference in the bed.

"I would do anything for you, if it makes you this happy." He whispered softly, he saw my smiling face and I knew this made Ryuuzaki happy. "I truly am happy you are finally out of the hospital."

"Yah, me too." Muttering out I rolled my body into his as he lay back down.

"Promise me something Hikaru."

"Anything." Whispering I peaked up at him, seeing him gazing at me.

"Well, the doctors did say it may take a long time before you fully cover. That there is a chance that anything could cause you to relapse. If you do.."

"I will tell you right away Ryuu. I truly hope it doesn't happen again, but if it does. If I even start to feel depressed again, I promise. I will tell you straight away, I won't hide it anymore from you."

I knew my answer was what he wanted to hear, I saw him relax more as he once kissed my forehead. "Thank you." He smiled. Whenever I got depressed, I always kept it to myself. But now if I ever do again, I will for sure tell him.


"This is fucking stupid! There is zero chance of me going in there!" Staring at the building before us, I start complaining as I sit in the passenger seat of the car. "Hell no. No way."

"Hika, you have too." Ryuu reached over and took my hand in his. Squeezing it softly, I glance to him and see such a loving gaze from him.

"There is no way in hell. I am not going to sit in a damn circle, and share my inner thoughts and feelings with a damn group of strangers." Sighing I slump into the seat more. "I hate opening up to other, I emotionally can't. It took me how long to open up to you?"

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