16. BIG Mistake

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Ryuuzaki's PoV

Still unable to believe it, Hika agreed to come watch my soccer match. I saw it in his blue eyes he wanted to say no, yet he said yes just for me. Knowing he would be somewhere out there watching me, made me unable to stop smiling like a fool.

"What the hell is that stupid look for?" Toshi nudged my shoulders as we were all currently in the change room before the game started. "Oh let me guess, a new special someone is going to be in the stands cheering for you." Toshi grinned at me, his light brown hair falling over his face lightly. He already knew he was right.

"Shut up." I mumbled out embarrassed.

My best friend only smiled bigger, his green eyes lighting up with happiness for me. "Though I never took him to be the type of guy to watch a sports game. He seems, not to sound rude with this but uhh, a loner."

"He isn't." I spoke about the first part of that statement. A sigh left me. "You got it there, I admit he is a bit of a loner. Trust me, I know he will hate every minute of coming to watch." But the fact that he was, is what made me happy. "I can only hope that being with me, he will slowly open up a bit more."

Yumi always came to my games, so I was used to my girlfriend watching me. But then again she is a cheerleader, so she would have been there anyway. But for Hikaru Yamashita to say he will come to watch me, that is huge.

"Oh god dude, you are so in love." Toshi teased at me.

"Oh shut it." Growling in annoyance, this only fueled on Toshi's laughter.

"So the whole school is already buzzing about the big break up."

"Yah, I know." I whispered quietly.

"Man you are going to have every girl all over you, so lucky." He pouted.

"Yah, not really." Hika's annoyed face entered my mind, I knew he would hate to see that.

"So," Toshi sat next to me. "When are you going to go public, about your new relationship?"

Running my hands through my hair in frustration I sighed. "I don't know. I'm just not ready for people to look at me differently, you know?"

"Yah, I get that." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Not everyone is as understanding as me. But you know, if they are your friends, they will not care. Besides is he ok with this? Staying a secret in the shadows?"

"He said he would wait until I am ready." But I knew that wasn't true, yes he would wait I mean. "Though he has never once hid who he was, so I don't know how long he would be ok with it."

Toshi suddenly burst out laughing, "Oh my god! Can you just picture Yumi's face!" His laughter grew louder, other guys on our team started to glance our way as they changed. "I mean think of it, her reaction when she find out you dumper her for a guy." He spoke that last part quietly knowing the attention he had on him.

"She won't be happy, that is for sure." I chuckled out softly.

"Ok." Toshi suddenly jumped up from the bench. He then started to bounce up and down like a crazy man.

"You're such a freak." Laughing out as I watch my best friend start his usual pregame warm up.


Unable to help myself, my eyes kept glancing to where Hikaru was standing. I figured as much, that he wouldn't sit on the bleachers. He would want to stay as far from everyone else as possible. His hands were shoved in his pockets like always, as he watched me on the field. My lips flashed him a smile, and I witnessed him giving me a small one back in return. He was most likely embarrassed he came for me, but for me to know he came just for me. That was fueling me on.

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