Part (7)

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(3rd POV)

"Are we there yet?" Jungkook asked for the millionth time...they have been in the car for 3 hours and he was getting bored...really bored.

"Jungkook for the millionth we aren't there yet". Taehyung sighed at the youngers childishness.


Taehyung had wanted to ask Jungkook about the nightmare he had but he knew it was none of his business.

But after the nightmare Taehyung had of Jungkook when they had first met he sometimes dreamed of Jungkook and that person.

He didn't know why he was dreaming about them...and if those were really dreams but one thing was for sure.

The things that happened to Jungkook in Taehyungs dreams were...indescribable to say the least.

On the other hand Jungkook knew he had to tell Taehyung about his nightmares sooner or later...they were married after all.

He sighed in frustration trying to make up a lie but deep down he knew he was going to have to tell the truth.

Taehyung glanced at the younger and smiled...he immediately snapped out of it and turned his eyes back to the road.

What was going on with him? He was just being nice to Jungkook and that's all...that didn't mean he was gay nor did it mean that he loved him.


"And we are finally here". Jungkook shot up from his seat but he saw that they were in the middle of the woods surrounded by nothing but trees.

"This is the magical place you promised to take me too?" Jungkooks smile fell from his face...he expected something more...magical.

"Don't judge a book by its cover". Taehyung chuckled getting out of the car the younger doing the same.

Jungkook didn't understand what Tae meant and when he was about to ask Taehyung grabbed his wrist and ran in between the trees.

Jungkook asked Taehyung what he was doing but the older just answered with a laugh or a 'you'll know later'.

"Now we are actually here". Taehyung stopped and leaned onto a tree trying to catch his breath.

Jungkook stood there in shock and....he was speechless.

The place really was was a garden that resembled the secret garden that was in the castle a bit.

But this one had a lake with white swans inside...and the flowers were more bright and colorful.

Taehyung grabbed their picnic basket and pulled Jungkook so they could sit in-front of the lake.

They sat in their spot in-front of the lake and Jungkook kept on admiring the view with the biggest smile on his face.

"You look like a bunny". Taehyung chuckled pinching Jungkook cheek which made the younger blush hardly.

"How did you find this place," Jungkook asked a questionable look on his face.

To him Taehyung didn't look like the person who would enjoy being in a place like this...but then again the older did tell him to never judge a book by its cover.

"My mom...she used to take me here when I was feeling down". He smiled playing with the grass.

"Does she not take you anymore?" Jungkook asked...why wouldn't Lisa not take him here anymore.

"She passed away". Taehyung felt his heart break at the words he had just spoken.

He never really talked to anybody about his mothers death because it made him too emotional...and to him being emotional means being weak.

"But isn't...?" Jungkook started his question but Taehyung interrupted him...

"She's my step real mother passed away when I was about 14". Tae answered taking a deep breath.

"I' sorry". Jungkook didn't know what to do so he hugged the older on impulse.

The way Jungkook hugged Taehyung while whispering assuring words to reminded him of his mother.

"You kinda remind me of her you know". Taehyung smiled at Jungkook who was stuffing his face with strawberries now.

"How come?" Jungkook smiled back at the older...a real genuine smile.

Jungkook now saw a side of the older that he has never seen before...he knew he could trust him now.

He knew Taehyung deserved the truth about him....but how will he react?

"You both love cooking and strawberries...". Taehyung chuckled while the younger just blushed.

"And you both go to that garden in the castle when you're feeling down". He continued.

"How di..." Jungkook wanted to ask Taehyung how he knew he went to that garden but Taehyung interrupted him and answered.

"I like to go there too...I've seen you there a few times". He simply replied wanting to ask Jungkook about the nightmares suddenly.

"So...about your nightmare". Taehyung didn't know if it was his place to ask...but he wanted to know if his dreams were real.

"That is a LONG story". Jungkook knew he had to tell Taehyung about it...sooner better than later he guessed.

"Long story short...I had a lover his name was Sehun...and he was abusive, He would always hit me or lock me into a room for the whole day sometimes for a week".

He continued "I stayed with him for 2 years blinded by my love for him until it got the the point where I ended up in a hospital...that's when I finally disappeared without a word knowing his reaction".

Jungkook took a deep breath trying to ignore his stinging eyes...he didn't want to cry...but after what he had been through...crying was a daily thing for him.

"That's why I accepted the family needs protection from Sehuns pack because they are too strong".

Taehyung felt guilty now more than ever...he couldn't believe Jungkook had to live through this hell alone...

Taehyung smiled at the younger ruffling his hair playfully to lighten up the mood.

He apologized but Jungkook told him that it wasn't his fault and that it was all fine.

They kept on talking about their embarrassing childhoods and was nice and peaceful.



Taehyung shot up at the sound of the tree branch snapping...nobody knew of this place so who could it possibly be...

"Who's there?" Taehyung asked pushing a worried Jungkook behind him.

"YOU". Taehyung exclaimed in shock and disbelief....he couldn't believe his eyes.


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