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An ambulance arrived and paramedics ran inside their house. Seokjin told Namjoon to stay with the boy, he feels weak but worries about Yoongi make him even weaker. He doesn't know why Yoongi stabbed him but he still has to make sure that he is safe and safe means with Namjoon, at least for now. The ambulance left and Seokjin can finally rest while the paramedics are taking care of him.

Only Namjoon and Yoongi stayed in the house and Namjoon turned to his baby brother. The man looks awfully. His hair is a mess, his face is tearstained and his clothes are stained with Seokjin's blood. His whole body is shaking in fear, a few minutes ago he came home only to find Seokjin with a bleeding wound and Yoongi with scissors in his hand. Namjoon screams on top of his lungs and grips his hair.

"I have had enough of you!"

Yoongi flinched when Namjoon started to yell at him. He wants to hide somewhere but his brother caught his small wrists in one hand. Yoongi is struggling but Namjoon doesn't care and drags him out of the house toward his car. He threw Yoongi on the backseat and got behind the steering wheel. He started the engine and locked the door. The car shot off and small rocks that are creating a driveway in front of their house are flying through the air.

Namjoon is angrily murmuring something and Yoongi makes himself as small as possible. He is crying and tries to muffle his sobs because he doesn't want to make Namjoon even madder. He doesn't know where are they going but he is too afraid to speak. They are riding for almost an hour before the car stopped in front of a big, white building. Yoongi looked on the high walls which are surrounding the building and two men in white walk out of the door. Namjoon goes inside while the men come to the car and opened the door. They grab Yoongi and forcefully drag him out of the vehicle. The boy screams in fear and fights but it is useless. His hyung is speaking with a lady in a white coat and Yoongi wants nothing more than hiding in his arms. But the look which Namjoon gave him is like a stab right in his heart. Namjoon is looking at him disgusted and mad and then turned back to the lady. Yoongi goes limp in hold of the men and doesn't fight when they start to drag him away through a long hallway. Yoongi still sees Namjoon's face in front of his eyes even after the white door between them closed.

The rough men drag him in a huge bathroom with dozens of bathtubs on one side and row of sinks on the second side. Right next to the door are standing big wardrobes. One of the men pushed Yoongi in the nearest bathtub and turned on cold water. The second man opened the wardrobe and pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants and a white T-shirt with a long sleeve. Yoongi wants to escape away from the icy cold water but the man above him is holding back of his neck and forced him to stay under a stream of water. Yoongi screams in fear and pain but he has no time to recover from his shock before he is dragged out of the bathtub. They throw him on the floor and sprinkle some white powder on him. It is a typical procedure in this facility. The powder is used on every new patient just in case that they have head lice or something like that. This place has to stay clean and this way is the fastest.

Yoongi is rolling around on the cold tiles and they use a rough towel to dry his small body. The boy is crying but the men above him are numbed by years of working here. They grab his lanky arms and forcefully dressed him in the uniform which patients have to wear. Yoongi is shaking in fear and sobs while they grab him like a rag doll and lead him in his room. Doctors aren't here because it is too late but in the morning a doctor will examine the new patient. For now, the two men pushed Yoongi in a small room where is only a bed with restraint and a latticed window which is placed high on a wall. Yoongi fights with their stronghold but they lift him as nothing and laid him down on the bed. They tied his wrists and ankles to the bed and then buckled another belt leading around his waist. Before they leave, one of them turned to Yoongi who is crying and fighting with the restraints.

"We come at 6, a doctor will examine you and then you are going to have breakfast. You are going to be in isolation until we are sure that you aren't dangerous. For now, be quiet or I will need to sedate you."

With that they left and closed the white door behind them with a loud bang which is echoing through the empty hallways. Yoongi chokes on his sobs because the man scared him. He doesn't want them to touch his anymore, he doesn't want to be in this scary place. He wants to be with Seokjin who is always so gentle and nice. Yoongi slipped in his little space and feels a warm sensation spreading on his crotch. His cries slow down because he is exhausted and his eyes closed. Yoongi's last thought before drifting off belongs to Seokjin who always gave him a warm bath before bedtime and then tucked him under a soft blanket and pressed a kiss on his forehead. And now even the only kind person in his life hates him.

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