Your First Date

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Anthony had picked you up Saturday afternoon to join him for your guys first date down at the beach.

He and his band were almost done recording Blood Sugar Sex Magik so Rick Rubin their producer had given them a few days off.

Ever since you did that photoshoot with the guys Anthony would not leave you alone. He thought you were the most gorgeous and compassionate woman on the entire planet.

So far the date was going pretty well. Anthony had packed you guys a whole lunch for the day and brought tons of sheets to lay on.

So far you had only really been catching some rays while Anthony was catching some waves.

You couldn't help but admire him from the shore through your sunglasses. He was surfing and swimming through the water just cooling off.

Eventually he came back, running through the sand with his surfboard back to the sheets where you were.

"Hey you're pretty good at that." You complimented as he threw his board down.

He was panting a little, "Thanks." He collapsed next to you and strung his dark brown hair out of the ocean water.

For the rest of the day you guys just laid around on the sheets tanning and you eventually went in the water once to cool down.

Towards the end of the night when everyone left the beach it was only you and Anthony.

You guys walked along the shore watching the sunset. The waves washing up over your feet and the fresh hot ocean breeze blew your hair around keeping you cool.

"Wanna go watch the stars?" Anthony asked.

You couldn't help but smile and follow him back to sheets where you guys laid flat on your backs and looked up at the dark california sky.

Your hands were next to each other and ever so slightly your fingers brushed together and you ended up holding hands and cuddling the night away listening to the crash of the waves against the shore.

It certainly was a first date you wouldn't forget.


It was a sunny day in California, but the fluffy white clouds protected you and John from the suns harsh rays as you sat in the flower field in the fresh green grass on blankets.

The cool air was keeping you guys at a comfortable temperature that wasn't too cold or too hot.

John had asked you to go on a date with him, you thought he was so creative with this date.

It was just you two alone enjoying the peace and nature around you that the spirits of the universe were giving off.

"Hold still." John said and looked up at you quickly before back down to his sheet of paper.

You couldn't help but crack a smile and blush while moving some hair out of your face. "Sorry I can't help it."

"I'm almost done." You could see him moving the paint brush with ease and a flick of his wrist up and down the paper.

When he was done you couldn't help but laugh at his painting. It wasn't the most Picasso painting you had ever saw but you liked the effort he had put into it.

For the rest of the day you guys sat around drinking wine and talking to each other about everything you liked from music to food and even embarrassing childhood memories.

You guys ate small sandwiches and fruits along with some treats like cookies and brownies while drinking soda.

You guys just laid around on the blanket enjoying each other's presence and John even brought his guitar so he could play you a few songs and show you some things he had been working on.

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