Chapter 16

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Afaaf Zaryaab Khan

The vast land was booming with the sounds of Azaan from the beautiful mosques whose tall minarets could be seen from the heights towering over the valley. The sleepingq flowers awakening by the first glimpses of the sun. The wind coming to life.

I couldn't resist coming to the main terrace on the top floor of the haveli. My duppatta still wrapped around my head as I finished praying. And just as I had opened the heavy double doors of the terrace, the surge of cold wind had whisked around me. Bringing its own tunes and melancholy. I reached the boundary overlooking the garden of the haveli, seeing the men of the household pray in jamaat. I spotted Zaryaab in the first row with Jahan and Khan Dada.

And in that heavenly moment I realized heavily that before our Lord we were all equal. Did Zaryaab look like the ruler as he prayed behind the security guard in uniform that led the prayer. Or did anyone differentiate them as the gardener, security guard, guard and driver all stood in one line to pray.

Aik He Saf me Khare Hogaye Mehmood Aur Aayaz,
Na Koi Banda Raha Na Koi Banda Nawaz.

I moved away from the parapet feeling as if I was an intruder. Tracing the white boundary, I walked to the other side. A large cage of pigeons was kept there. A very large one. Filled with pigeon as they muttered in their own language. They maybe happy here but to me they looked trapped. I traced their cage with my fingers. Sensing them immediately still.

I moved to the opposite end, it gave the view of the backside of the haveli and from this high, I could see the stream that ran between the mountains. The water, energetic and gushing.

The sun peeked from behind the mountains and I opened my arms welcoming the morning for the first time in my life in such a carefree manner. The morning spreading around slowly and I wrapped my arms around myself feeling the cold wind leave a trail of goosebumps on my skin.

The birds weren't left behind as they greeted the nature in their own enthusiastic way, chirping and singing melodies. Making me feel at peace.

" What are you doing up here?" A manly voice asked as he came to stand besides me. A cigarette dangling from his lips.

" Nothing. Just-feeling." I whispered softly.

We didn't face each other. I even avoided looking at anything closer to him. And just like that we fell in our own thoughts. But my mouth couldn't be shut as I voiced them.

" Do you know Zaryaab, what you have given me?" I asked softly, I was afraid that if I spoke any louder, the tranquility surrounding us would be broken.

" Questions." I spoke feeling his eyes staring at me as he remained mum.

" Lots of questions. That even sometimes I question my existence." I swallowed down my throat, almost painfully and that talking to him alone caused me pain and reminded me of every invisible wound sewn on my skin.

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