Chapter 37

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یونہی باتوں ہی باتوں میں مجھے اس نے بتایا تھا

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یونہی باتوں ہی باتوں میں
مجھے اس نے بتایا تھا

محبت کرنے والے پیار میں دھوکا نہیں کرتے
کوئ جب بات کرتا ہو اسے ٹوکا نہیں کرتے
جسے جانے کی جلدی ہو اسے روکا نہیں کرتے
یونہی باتوں ہی باتوں میں

مجھے اب یاد آتا ہے
اسے جانے کی جلدی تھی!

Running a down down the length of my kurta, I straightened out the wrinkles. My hands stilling on my abdomen. It was rather flat, unchanged or I could say a little bloated. Just a tiny little bit.

I felt a huge smile blowing up my face as I stood before the mirror. My eyes casting to my reflection. The round of my large dark eyes, the small curve of my nose and the tiny stoned nose pin I adorned now. My full lips stretched into a smile. And the once thin cheek bones now looking a little full.

My long hair fell in loose waves over my shoulder, cascading down my back. And twisting the strands at the front, I pinned them to the side. Thinking for a seconds, I uncapped the lightest shade of lipstick and dabbed it against my lips. A loud sigh escaping my parted lips.

I looked unchanged. I had hardly gained a pound or two in the past weeks, if it weren't for mama always running behind me. It was impossible.

I felt regurgitation hit me, making me cup a hand over my mouth. A sour taste suddenly washing down my mouth making me walk to the bathroom but the feeling subsided and I scrunched my face. Ugh! Leaning over the washbasin, I rinsed my mouth thoroughly.

Upon entering the room again, I saw Shaya move around the room. Her eyes flickering to me and she beemed. Her smile more bright than the sun outside.

" Hm. I cannot remember the last time I saw you like this!" She exclaimed, her finger tapping her chin dramatically.

" Hush" I said shooing her away. Hearing her hearty laugh. As I draped the matching dupatta over my shoulder, I turned to look at my sister. Her pony tail swishing as she placed a hand over her mouth, laughing.

We were humans made with limited laughter, the roof above our heads wasn't ours anymore yet we found laughter in what we had.
" What?" She asked innocently. Making me shake my head.

She came behind me and circled her arm around me, her head resting on my shoulder.

" You look very beautiful today, Mashallah!"

I offered a small smile to her, squeezing her hand.

" Thank you!"

" You guys have to drop me off before going to the hospital!" She said moving away and packing her bag.

" Uhm hm!" I opened my wardrobe to find the prescription note. Rummaging through my things. But as my eyes settled on the photograph, I couldn't stop myself from pulling it out. The smiling faces of the couple, blinding my eyes. I traced the picture with my fingers.

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