14. Controversy

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14. Controversy

You know that feeling you get when you hear something that you didn't expect to hear or didn't want to hear?

Well, I was feeling it.

I felt really uneasy, like I was going to be sick. Demi had to steady me. I heard whispers break out around us. Bane had just confessed his love for me on live TV. Panem knew he was chasing after me.

But it makes no sense. Why would he volunteer because of me? Being in love with me isn't a good reason to join the Games. I started wheezing. I looked away from the TV, but I couldn't block out the interview itself.

"She never knew?" Caesar asked Bane.

"Up until now she didn't," Bane said. "It's now or never, Caesar. If I didn't say it now, I probably would never get the chance to."

"It's a shame, really, to join the Games with her. She's convinced she's going to win this year."

"And she will, I know she will. She wants this more than anyone, Caesar."

"You seem to be supporting her more than yourself," Caesar noted. "Are you telling me that you won't win the Games?"

"I won't know until I'm in the arena." Bane shrugged.

"Hmm, well I can say this for us all when I say I don't think anyone saw this coming. I'm sorry that this had to happen to you, Bane." Caesar let Bane go.

I couldn't look at Bane when he came backstage to rejoin the group. I wanted to fire off at him once I could get my bearings, but Ross got to him first.

"We're leaving, now," Ross hissed. He grabbed Bane by his arm and took lead, Regina behind them. Sienna, Demi, and I brought up the rear. I heard the fading crowd as Aubrey went out to do her interview.

It was a silent, tense ride in the elevator. I could feel Ross's anger ebbing off him, trying to infect everyone else. I was pissed off, yes, but mainly stunned and in shock. I wasn't a popular girl, not even in school, so really having a guy confess their love to me would shock me. But this circumstance was totally different; Bane was my district partner in the Hunger Games.

If Ross saved any of Bane left for me, I'd get my shot at him. But maybe Ross would yell at Bane on my behalf.

Sienna and Demi kept me steady as we were the first to head for the apartment. My heart was beating rapidly still, not calming down, and I was feeling slightly dizzy. Was this how it felt to go into shock when someone confessed their love for you on live TV? I could feel my blood boiling—that was definitely from the anger running loose in me.

Regina got the door open, and we four squeezed through the opening.

"You better sit down," Sienna whispered to me. "Regina, do you mind getting her something to drink? It might settle her down."

"Of course." Regina flitted to the kitchen.

As Sienna and Demi got me on the couch, I heard Ross thundering.

"What the hell were you thinking?" he roared. The door slammed shut, making me nearly jump out of my dress. I'd never heard Ross so angry. "Do you want to start another rebellion? Because I bet that's what the Capitol thought you were trying to do tonight!"

"I wasn't," Bane said thickly. "I said what I wanted to, and that's that. It's done and over with."

"Tributes don't fall in love in these Games, especially not Careers, let alone with their district partners!"

The Ultimate Sacrifice (The 107th Hunger Games) [Fan Fiction]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt