27. A Change Of Heart

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27. Change Of Heart

I wasn't sure how I was able to get myself up the next morning, because my entire body felt too relaxed and tired to move at all. I wasn't sure how I could feel relaxed, really, when my arm and shoulder were injured, and I still was going to have to rid myself of Shane.

I slowly sat up to see the blanket missing, but a jacket on my lap. I felt it, trying to find the slit on the arm. It wasn't my jacket, it was Shane's.

I tilted my head. Why did I have his jacket? And where the hell was the blanket? I saw Shane kept his arrows and bow inside today, a nice change. He probably figured after yesterday that it wasn't smart to put his weaponry out in the open for others to take.

Scrambling to my feet, I stiffly inched out from the cave to a rather gloomy day outside. There was no rain, but the clouds threatened to give us just that. I walked down the small path to find the blanket near the edge of the lake. I didn't see Shane anywhere. Had someone killed him off and was now waiting nearby, ready to finish me off as well? I had a good fight yesterday. I need a day off.

"About time you got up," Shane called. He emerged from the waterfall itself, looking freshly soaked. I had no doubt he was naked under the water, taking his bath. I didn't peek underwater to look. He wadded to me, resting his arms on the edge.

"I've got questions," I said.

"Like what?" He brushed his damp hair back.

"Why do I have your jacket?" I dangled it in front of him.

"You got cold last night so I gave you the blanket, but then I didn't want cameras to see me strip down, so I took it. Then you were fretting and shivering when I took it so I gave you my jacket instead. You settled down after that."

Well, at least I was luckier than Victor had been. I hadn't snuggled with Shane though, he gave me warmth in the form of a jacket. "Great, that blanket is getting washed before I even touch it again."

Shane chuckled.

"By the way, smart of you to finally put your weapons inside the cave," I told him. "Was the boy I stabbed the only one who died yesterday?"

"Yeah. He was from Eleven," Shane reported. "It's getting harder now, for whoever's left. Fewer tributes means smaller chance of them encountering each other."

"Not if the Gamemakers put their say in it," I countered. "They'll find a way to bring us all together. Maybe another feast like usual." I noticed Shane had a small bruise on his forehead. Cautiously, I touched it. "From yesterday?"

"Yeah, he hit me pretty hard on the head." He rubbed his forehead. "I'm not sure how I was still conscious, he had a hell of a punch."

"I'd say. Is your head throbbing?"

"Since we touched it, yes."

"Sorry, couldn't help it. Is that all he did to you?"

"No, there's bruising. He didn't need a weapon to kill someone; he could just beat them up enough to make them bleed internally. If I didn't know any better, he would have done well with the Career pack."

"Do you have anything to cure those?" I asked, hopeful.

"No. You?"

"I wish I did. I think Jenna had medicine in her pack. Are you feeling okay, with the bruising?"

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