31. The Final Five

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31. The Final Five

"Quick, we've got to find out the direction where the other fireballs are going," I whispered.

"Why?" Shane asked.

"You haven't figured it out yet? They're trying to herd whoever is left all together so we can fight!"

"Well, we can't go back the way we came."

"We can't go straight, either," I retorted. I yelped as another fireball zoomed far ahead, crashing. This time, I could hear screaming, a girl's and a guy's.

Bane and Jenna were close.

"Yes, we can," Shane mused. "If we run past them, they'll never know. They'll be too busy running for their lives." Shane started to tug me in the direction straight ahead, but I pulled out of his grasp. "Now what?" he complained.

"Did we leave anything behind?" I asked as I searched the toppled part of the tree.

"I think so. All I've got is my bow and arrows, and you've got your knife, blowgun and darts. The packs are completely demolished."

Well, that was unfortunate. The water, the food, the medicine—it was all gone. All we had now were weapons.

As I sunk in Shane's report, he grabbed me, pulling me along into the dark woods. I kept with him and almost went past him when another fireball flew overhead. The explosion felt and looked closer this time, the screams louder. I pulled Shane to the right. Shane's right, we can pass them without them even knowing it.

We tried to avoid as many trees and branches as possible as we tried to avoid Bane and Jenna. I huffed silently, trying not to run out of energy too quick. A flash of heat erupted behind us, another fireball yet again. How many of these are they going to throw? One or two was good enough; almost five seemed like too many.

Moonlight partially lit up the ground we ran on. Insects chattered up a storm. I felt my arm be jerked behind my back as Shane suddenly got behind me, ripping me down with him. I grunted and rolled, my back hitting a tree.

There was a loud screech, a familiar cry. I crawled to find my knife and attack, yanking her off Shane. I dodged a wicked-looking knife. I shoved her back, exposing her in the moonlight.

Her scarred corner of her mouth made her look more deadly. I saw holes in her jacket, salvia dribbling from her lower lip. I noticed she had all knives in the belt, gleaming menacingly in the moonlight. She didn't have to have camouflage on to sneak around; the cover of darkness would suffice just as much for her.

"Found you at last," Jenna sneered. "You're so stupid. Weak. How did you manage to survive with him?"

I crouched, standing in front of Shane. I gave a shriek, knocking into Jenna. She slashed at my legs; I danced back, swiping at her face. She gave a roar of outrage as I saw I made a cut just above her left eyebrow. She lunged for me but stopped halfway, doubling over in pain. I saw an arrow sticking out of her side.

I backpedaled, knocking into Shane. I saw Jenna rip out the bloody arrow and chuck it back at us. Shane and I avoided it and ran.

"Come back here!" Jenna bellowed. "They're over here! I found them!"

Oh God. She was calling for backup. Bane. My heart pounded anxiously. If Bane saw, he'd come after Shane.

We heard pounding feet behind us. An arrow whizzed right between our heads. Wait...an arrow? Shane shot only one, and Jenna had thrown that back at us.

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