Come Home

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"And in those moments, when you feel afraid to trust, my love,

Remember that I have crossed a great ocean of loneliness to find you.

Mine is not a fair--weather heart.

It was built to outlast storms."

Gabriel Augustine...

My body went rigid at the familiarity of his name, at the way it pulled at the tangled strings of my memory. "Gabriel...Augustine?"

"Yes, that would be the man I'm representing."

I cocked my head, suddenly tempted to draw my sword. "Are you playing with me?"

"No, no, of course not," he raised his hands again, a distinct sadness in his eyes. It didn't seep into his words. "It's just he couldn't risk that little missy seeing him, so he sent me."

"You mean to tell me," I took a threatening step forward, my expression darkening. "That there are not one but two of you Faes in my forest?"

"Yes, unfortunately these woods are not as safe as you'd like to believe."

My hand clamped down on my weapon and he visibly stiffened. "Come on, Princess. Don't be like this, I've done nothing wrong."

I glared up at him. "You made her cry."

"That was Gabriel's idea, not mine!" he yelled frantically, and my scowl deepened.

Before I could condemn him for simply following along with such a horrible plan, my attention snapped to a figure that appeared behind him, my skin bristling with annoyance.

What was this? A fuckin family reunion?

"You young ones have no loyalty."

I gaped in shock at the sight of their matching silvery hair and pale golden eyes, a part of me still caught off guard.

Although they did not have that distinct aura that signified royal blood, it still came as a shock to me to see two of my own in something other than portraits.

"I take it you are Gabriel Augustine?" I questioned, reeling back my emotions.

To my surprise, he didn't even hesitate to approach me, not even an ounce of fear rolling off the older man.

He had a very similar build to General Levon, and even seemed to share his age. His height was around that of my mates, and the unreadable expression he wore only made me more distrusting.

I said nothing as he grabbed my hand in his own, calloused fingers meeting the tender skin of my palm. "That I am," Gabriel answered whilst pressing his lips to the back of my hand. "It is an honor to finally meet you."

I ignored his comment. "And the annoying twerp with you?"

He chuckled at my description. "Castiel, what did you already do to gain her ire?"


The name rang through my mind like an old song. The tune familiar, but the words long forgotten. In this case however, the man familiar, but the memories long forgotten.

I knew without a doubt that, at the very least, he was an acquaintance. That he'd been in my life at some point.

In a small sliver of time that did not last, he was there.

Is that why sadness and longing and the tiniest bit of expectation shown in his face? Because I hadn't recalled him the moment we'd locked eyes?

Castiel shook his head defensively. "I've done nothing, My Lord, I swear it."

His Little FaeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin