Laconic Heartache

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"Vibrate so high,

and radiate from so deep.

From so much within your heart,

from your essence, from your soul.

So that no one can come close to you,

without destiny's blessing in their hands."

The world outside was gray.

It was almost as though the universe itself was grieving right along with us. As though the clouds were weeping frigid tears alongside Alaric and Aria's mother and the sky was straining to hold them together.

As though our collective grief rang deep within the very soil we stood on. And the very earth was crippled with pity.

It was freezing, yet no one felt it. No one even seemed to notice as we stood in this cursed graveyard, all eyes glued to the too small graves that had been dug for children taken before their time.

My fists clenched in barely concealed rage, my guilt lingering deep within my chest as I shut my eyes, unable to restrain the same thoughts from replaying within my mind.

Gabriel did this to get to me. This was an attack against me. So I still couldn't understand why...

Why did they have to pay instead of me? Why were they sacrificed? Why was our history always filled with disproportionate responses from every party?

Angry tears stung my eyes as Livius addressed the pack, his voice ringing for all to hear. My mate shared words of support, and reassurance. Words that were lined with a promise of retribution that would not go unnoticed by anyone here.

I saw the fury behind his cerulean eyes, the devastated paleness of his skin, the stiffness of his posture that could easily be mistaken as proof of his power and authority.

But Livius wasn't here to reaffirm his position as King. No, he was here to grieve our losses, just like every single pack member here.

Pain and hurt hung heavily in the air, the scent of salty tears mixing in with the fresh snow that fell over our heads.

I said nothing when Livius concluded his brief address and approached me, my lips sealed tight even while he shrugged off his coat and draped it over my shoulders.

Of course, even now, he still worried over my health.

Instead, I offered him a small, brief smile, that seemed forced even to me before stepping closer to his side, my hand interlacing with his own as I leaned my head against his shoulder.

His mere presence was a reassurance, just as mine was to him. Just the way his warmth seeped into my skin, or the simple feel of his palm sending tingles up my arm was enough to make the unease in my heart slumber for just a moment.

We watched silently while the remainder of our pack gave their final goodbye's, and moved to offer the Estienne family their condolences.

After a few moments, I looked up to my mate, that same dull look lingering in his eyes as he too glanced down at me. "Alright?" I asked, and honestly, we both knew the answer but I would voice the question regardless.

He only nodded, his eyes closing with sadness before he pressed his lips to my forehead.

My king. My alpha. My mate. Utterly stunned into silence.

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