Calm Before the Storm

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When you start to know someone,

all their physical characteristics begin to disappear.

You begin to dwell in their energy, recognize the scent of their skin.

You see only the essence of the person, not the shell.

I stiffened at his words, my eyes meeting his crystalline gaze as he searched my own.

"I love you, Alexandria. From now, until we're nothing more than specs of dust, perhaps forgotten by the Moon Goddess herself," he continued, his gaze unwavering as he pulled back to search my eyes.

How long had it been since someone other than Mrs. Valentina had shared such words with me? Since someone truly felt like family, in every sense of the word?

My mate paused at my silent reaction, most likely misinterpreting my expression. "Moon, I know I'm in no place to tell you such a thing, especially after all that I've put you through. And you're in no place to respond yet, but this is the-"

I silenced his confused rambling with a kiss, my lips meeting his own for the first time in weeks. I felt him go rigid, before wrapping his muscled arms around my waist, and instinctively pulling me closer.

My own arms wrapped around his neck as I stood on my toes to reach him halfway. I had forgotten how much of a dream he was, how intoxicating his kisses could be, how warm his body was against mine. I had forgotten the taut muscles beneath his crisp shirt, and the irenic scent of lilac and freshly fallen snow that clung to him.

I tilted my head, kissing him deeply as he pulled me impossibly closer. Those burning sparks floating along my body, and pulling me deeper into this haze.

He loved me.

This stubborn, irritating, and ridiculously powerful Alpha Male loved me. I didn't know why the fact shocked me so much, but hearing him say it directly sent a new wave of warmth rushing through me.

I'd been so angry these past few weeks, so enraged and closed off that I'd forgotten how I lived without that inexplicable rage. I forgot how deeply I felt for him before Victoria came into the picture.

We suddenly pulled away, both of us attempting to catch our breath.

Livius pressed his forehead against my own, my arms still wrapped around his neck as we swayed slightly. "How long did it take you to come up with that confession?" I teased, my eyes never once leaving his own.

"Should I have made it longer?"

Giggling, I leaned forward to peck his lips once more. "No, it was-"

I paused as I noticed the stain of color on his lips, my eyes widening in shock before my lips quirked up again.

Livius furrowed his brows, his arms loosening around me. "What is it, moon?"

I let out a laugh, knowing the red color on my own lips was equally smudged. Pulling out a pale white handkerchief from my purse, I blinked up at my mate. "It seems a red lip wasn't such a good idea for this date."

He chuckled as I dabbed the color from his lips, only to pull me in again moments later. "You ruined our little moment for that."

I wrapped my arms around his neck again, smiling up at him. "Sorry for trying to protect your reputation, Mr. Wolf."

"And who exactly is going to see me besides you?"

I threw a pointed glance further ahead at the people surrounding the magnificent tower.

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