𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻: 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚑

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Kisame's POV

"You idiot! You said he was dead! DEAD!" Tobi yelled at Kisame.

"Relax! I don't know how he survived! I kicked the brat off the damn cliff and he fell down, his bones should've been shattered to the point he died!!" Kisame yelled back.

Itachi watched the two in interest but with a stoic expression on his face. He noticed Tobi's hands were balled up.

Kisame looked at the masked man in anger as he kept a tight grip on his blade.

"I mean cmon Tobi! You sent me there and I gave him a few cuts here and there before kicking him off then I checked-"

Tobi then slammed Kisame against the cement wall, pressing his arm against his neck roughly.

"ONCE! You only checked ONCE to see if he was dead!!" Tobi yelled behind the mask. "Now thanks to you, Deidara is dead. Do you know what this means?!"

Kisame stayed quiet as he tried to move Tobi's arm but struggled.

"Naruto is going be wanting revenge and he won't stop until every single one of us is dead!"

"Get your arm off-"

"Meaning if we're dead, than the plan would've been all for nothing!" Tobi said as he added more pressure against Kisame's neck.

"In case in you didn't know, Tobi, you're the one who sent ME to kill him! You could've sent Itachi or anyone else!" Kisame argued.

"I sent you because you said you'd get the job DONE!! And now you fucked up Kisame.." Tobi said as he released his grip on Kisame's throat. "That brat is out for blood now."

Kisame held his throat, rubbing it a few times before Tobi stepped back. "But I'll give you another chance, Kisame. When you get the chance, find that little shit and KILL him without hesitation! Do I make myself clear?!"

Kisame stayed quiet before going in for a punch on Tobi but it went right through the masked man causing him to almost fall.

Kisame tried to punch him again but Itachi put his arm out and stopped him as Tobi slowly turned around with annoyance and hatred in his eyes.

"Do... I.... make... myself... clear??" Tobi asked and Kisame scoffed.

"Yeah... kill the brat and that's it.. no need to say it again.." Kisame said as he walked out the cave, leaving an angered Tobi and a stoic Itachi.

Naruto's POV

About a day has passed since Naruto had his battle with Deidara. The Kyuubi was finished on healing his burn marks from all the explosions.

Naruto was tired and thirsty, he needed water more than anything. Luckily his prayers were answered when he saw a hot spring nearby and heard people conversing, so he just walked over there instead of running, due to his energy.

Before he walked inside he did a jutsu to change his hair color again so no one here can tie him Naruto Uzumaki, the boy who died when he felt like he failed the village even after bringing back Sasuke.

It was going to be tough though because of the whiskers on his cheeks but then again he hoped someone just thinks its marker or something.

He saw a water fountain and immediately ran over to it. Almost tripping he kept his balance when he grabbed onto the fountain and began drinking fast.

After a few minutes he felt fully hydrated and backed away from the water fountain and wiped his mouth. He then stepped into the mens building which was thankfully empty so he grabbed a towel and quickly changed out of his clothes.

𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝  𝙵𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚍  𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑  𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚍 (Naruto) [Read Desc plz] Where stories live. Discover now