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Ryan made up his mind no matter in what condition Madison was he was going to tell her his truth and without any sugarcoating.
He will respect her decision no matter what , if she wishes to leave him he will make sure to pursue her back, one thing he was very much clear about was that , this women was meant to be his and he is never going to leave her. He may back off for few days but won't leave her alone, he can't stand her with someone else. He can't imagine his life without her.

He is ready to worship her, but won't let her out of his life completely.

Madison woke up with headache, her head was spinning, And her hands were aching too.

Her stomach was under some weight, she looked around to find Ryan who for sure wasn't well, his one hand was tightly gripping her waist, his face was burried almost into her neck.
She wiggle a little and Ryan jumped from his bed ,looking here and there.
It took him a minute to realize no threat was there. Looking at Madison, he crashed into her, hugging her tightly.

"What happened?"
Her voice was horse, she tried to recall but nothing entered her thoughts, as if everything was blank.
"You don't remember?"
"No... I mean.. I remember coming back from shopping and entering the house.... I don't know, I felt a pain at back of my head....."

She closed her eyes and tried to remember but nothing came.
Ryan asked her to calm down and put her head on his chest.
Sniffing his shirt , she melted into him.

"Whenever you feel free and not in much stress Maddy, I want to talk to you, and it is urgent"

Something in Madison told her this wasn't good, her heartbeat skipped a beat and she could feel tension in her.

It's better now than later, with that thought she looked at Ryan with a small smile which for her was also unsure.
"I am hearing "
"Not now..."

"Now or never"
"Madison please..."
"No Ryan , something is bothering you, you need to tell me"
Taking deep breaths Ryan asked her to wash herself up and he will be making breakfast, he also informed her that Ivory was coming back tonight and they have the whole day for themselves to discuss this.

He was preparing some pancakes when he felt her hands from behind, finding their way from his waist to his stomach, her head was resting at his back, for a moment his mind went blank as he held her hands and pulled her near more into him. His head went back as he calmed himself.

He was capturing every treasure moment because he had a feeling this wasn't lasting any long.

Pulling her in front of him he switched off the flame, and looked into her eyes.
He could see love, adoration in them, he was hating himself for what he has done.
He kissed her forehead and let his lips linger there for few seconds, sniffing her washed hairs
His eyes refused to open themselves, he wanted to remember this moment forever.

He trailed his lips from her forehead to her nose and pecked her, opening his eyes he could see how her body was reacting to his touch, feeling guilty he pecked her lips and burried her into his chest, killing the moment and went back to bake those pancakes.

Madison could feel sorrow in those kisses. Her subconscious mind was telling her something wasn't right, and this maybe the last time he was kissing her.

She was overwhelmed with the moment and tried her best not to cry.

They were both lost in thoughts while breakfast,Ryan again called her out , she look at him
"We are finished here, can we sit in my study and talk?"


Entering into study , she sat on seat opposite to his, instead of heading towards his seat , he took the other one, the one closest to her.

"You don't remember anything that happened yesterday?"

"Hmm.. Madison.. I ... I ... Want to ... Want to confess something"
As soon as those words left his mouth, Madison's heart skipped a beat.
Nodding her head she asked him to go further.

With a lot of hesitation and courage Ryan told her about his intentions in the starting of the marriage, he told her about cheating on her with Diana. It hurt him when he looked into her teary eyes, he wished to stop but he knew he can't.
He told her about his fight with Mike, when he found out.
Then the threats that came afterwards.

Her tears were flowing freely as he was confessing everything.
She tried many times to say something but words weren't in a mood to come out.

"Wow" the first word from her mouth came.
Lased with sarcasm, she couldn't believe, she was again used. She hated herself for being so gullible that people use her Everytime.

Ryan bowed his head, submitting himself to her, he was ready for any kind of punishment.

Looking into her face trying to understand her question, as if sensing his lost look she reframed it

"Why did you do all this to me, wasn't that bet enough? Wasn't mike betrayed me enough? WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I EVER DID TO YOU PEOPLE?"

For a second Ryan backed off, gathering his courage he replied


"Stop calling me Maddy... Wow"
The humourless sarcastic laugh escaped her lips.
"Hear me out Madison , I am not done yet"

"But I am"
She pulled herself up from chair and in that same moment Ryan pulled her into him as she landed on his lap, trying to free herself as tightened his grip over her.

She wasn't able to control her tears, she started cursing him
"You I'll mannered, scum of a human being just leave me... Ryan leave me.."
She was shouting at top of her lungs, trying to unwrap his hand.
In a swift moment Ryan trap her into him and held her tightly, so she was facing him.

"Leave me alone" she let herself fall into his chest, how strange it was she thought, she was finding comfort in the arms of man, who is the reason behind her tears and misery.

"You know how difficult it was for me to pull myself out? No you don't.
You don't know how much I tried and how many times I failed. I loved Mike with all my heart , I forget what feelings we're after he betrayed me. You all were laughing, making fun of me being so gullible, haha... Ryan laugh.. come on LAUGH...
LAUGH YOU MORON, LAUGH AT MY MISERY... YOU BROKE ME UNTO PIECES AGAIN... AND  I have to put them back again... All alone...I hate you... I HATE YOU RYAN"

He knew she had a lot to say , yet he let her go. One thing he was sure of by now was Madison always calm herself down by staying away from people.
She need sometime and he will give answers to her question.
She locked herself into room.
Ryan sat at the door outside the room.

He wasn't scared of the truth coming out from somewhere else, he himself told her.
Now he had to look after the one who is after her .
But before all this he wanted her back.
He called Mike and told him everything that was going on, he asked him to come by and talk to her. She can't hate Mike for something he hasn't done.

Ryan's heart was denying the fact that Madison was leaving him, but his mind knew she won't be staying with him now... After Mike's confession she won't.

It was him who started this mess, it's burning him down now. He failed, he failed as a husband.


Hey guys , I hope you liked it. Also there may be major or minor errors do ignore them I don't preview my chapters before uploading them.


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