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3 years later

Madison felt someones fingers caressing her face, as the light spread all over her face, she groan when the touch fades away
Then she felt soft kisses planted on her cheeks, she pressed her cheeks against his lips demanding for more...
"Get up Maddy , we are going to be late"
"Nooo.... Let me sleep" she dip her face into her pillow, avoiding his lips and sunrays.
" We have a flight until and unless you wish to be spending your time in house instead of Italy"

"You didn't let me sleep last night" she shouted getting up and rubbing her eyes, her hair we're freezy and she looked mad at him as he chuckled at her child like behavior, then she again fall back at her bed

"Let's sleep for few minutes... Please Ryan...for five minutes"
"Maddy I swear if you didn't woke up I am going to leave you here"

"Ohh no you are not" she shouted like a child and pouted her face...
"I hate you Ryan Cullen" with that she went towards washroom , before she could reach she was grabbed from her waist and was pushed towards wall, she looked like a kitten as she get trapped between Ryan and wall.

His eyes narrowed starring at his wife, his eyes roamed over her body, she was wearing his shirt from previous night, he dip his lips into her neck and started kissing her, sucking it and biting her neck.

She moaned as her hands start exploring his bisceps massaging them and that's when she heard his husky voice "No baby You Love me" as he bit her earlobe playfully and claimed her lips, kissing it softly.

She couldn't stop herself from biting his lower lips, she loves doing that, as her legs wrapped around his waist, he pushed her more into wall to reduce the gap between their bodies.

And their soft kiss soon became passionate as both of their tongues fight for domination and as usual he let her take over, he loved her this side, the passionate one.

Their moment didn't last long as Ryan's phone started ringing , he groaned as it rang second time...

"I should have switched off it " he cursed as she laughed at his misery, still on his waist and trapped between she dipped her head into his neck inhaling his scent as he talked on phone

"Yes we are on our way, we would be there in thirty minutes"
Madison's head snapped as she heard his comment and she came out of her mood.
Pushing him aside she ran to washroom, took a quick bath and changed.

When she came out Ryan wasn't there and her bags were gone.
She went downstairs and he was at main door waiting for her "we are going to be late fast"

Soon they were on their way towards Airport.
The time changed too quickly, she still remember the day he asked her to move in, she was waiting for it, she thought she would bring it up but before her he did.
It has been two year since they had been living back together happily, and unable to get over from each other, it felt the spark wasn't dying and neither of them wanted it to die.
Their hands always found each other's. Unable to keep away from each other.
They were going to Italy for Ivory and James wedding anniversary and then they had planned a trip to Paris.


Three days later

Madison found herself standing at Moulin Rogue , the beautiful night and wind blowing her hairs we're flowing as she gazed at the romantic lights , she rubbed her arms as cold wind blew past her.
Then she felt Ryan's arms around her stomach, he hugged her from back, placing his chin over her shoulders.
"You loved it "
"Yes" she turn around and peck his lips.
As they headed the other direction .

The Revenge MarriageHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin