Chapter 9

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Narrators' POV

He clicked his tongue as he watched Savannah exit the car and walk into the restraunt. From the corner of his eye he saw two paparazzi's attempting to hide in the bushes nearby the entrance, which gave him the idea to grab Savannah's hand, making her give Hayes a questioning look.

"There's paps hiding. Act natural." He discreetly told her before pulling her closer to his side, walking into the resteraunt.

"Hello Mr Calloway. Pleasure to see you again." He greets the owner of the place by shaking his hand. "Shall I escort you to your usual table?" He asks and Hayes feels Savannah tense up at his words. "Uh actually I would like a table upstairs. Preferably on one of the balconys." He spoke with a straight face.

The waiter guided them to their table along with handing them menus to where he then took their orders.

"I will have the steak, well done, along with a glass of your finest red wine." Hayes spoke before handing back his menu and waited for Savannah to order. "I will have the mixed pasta bowl along with red wine also." She smiled as she handed the menu back.

"Your usual table huh? Come here often I guess?" She asked as one of the waiters came over, filling up their glasses with the red wine. "Let's just say special occasions." He teased, raising my glass to his lips, taking a sip of the wine, savouring the sweet taste.

"So this favour I'm doing for you..." she start the conversation. "Why exactly am I doing it?" He never exactly gave her a full explanation. "It's a long story." His cockiness and witty attitude completely dissolved into a closed up book.

"We have time." Savannah points out, as Hayes eats another forkful of his steak. "My mother... she's sick." He cuts to the chase making her gasp in shock. "Oh my god, is she okay?" Savannah puts down her fork, sitting up in her seat. "Lung cancer. I've already been paying for her treatment, but we caught it too late. The doctors said a month ago it had spread into her stomach." His jaw clenched as his hand formed into a fist whilst he looked away with slight tears in his eyes.

Savannah reached over the table and held his hand in hers, letting him know she was there for him.

"Colton and Chase isn't around much anymore. They both ended up flying to different countries to expand their own businesses. My dad left years ago. He comes and goes because he knows my mother has cancer but apart from that...It's basically just my mom and I. I wanted her to see that at least one of her son's was settled down and happy. So that she wouldn't have to worry about me." He let out a sigh, bowing his head.

"I'm doing this to prove to my mother I am capable of managing the company. To prove I can stop making irrational decisions. She doesn't think I am mature enough to handle such a major outlet."

She saw that his appetite had gone and requested for the waiter to pack up the food in takeaway boxes.

They walked out, hand in hand again as they both held a box before making their way back into the car and back home to Hayes' house.

By the time they reheated dinner and finished up, the staff had finished their shifts and headed to one of the guest house's that they stayed in. After dinner, Savannah had made her way upstairs to shower and change into nightwear before heading to her bedroom.

But just as she was about to walk into the room, there was a crash from down stairs.

She quietly made her way down the steps, peering through the kitchen to see a broken glass laying on the floor along with Hayes breathing heavily, gripping at the sink.

"Hayes?" She spoke up in a quiet tone as he jumped startled at her presence. He looked to Savannah as he tried to hold back his tears. "I- sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." He coughed, trying to clear up the mess but failed miserably. She approached him carefully, holding his shoulders to make him walk away from the broken glass to he wouldn't hurt himself.

"Sit down on the chair. I'll clean this up." She whispered as he silently cries, holding onto his head. She grab a small dust pan from under the sink and clean up the glass, emptying it into the trash before sliding the bottle of whiskey across the counter away from Hayes. 'The last thing he needs right now is alcohol'. Savannah thought to herself.

She poured a glass of water and hand him an aspirin before sitting beside him. "You thank me in the morning." She smiled, watching him take the aspirin. "Do you want to talk about it?" She ask, rubbing his shoulder, giving him comfort.

He brings his head out from his hands, and looks upto Savannah. "My dad left when I was five. He wanted nothing to do with me, or Colton, or Chase or my mom. My brothers are living happy lives with their partners, Coltons got a kid on the way. Chase is in a somewhat stable relationship. My mother is dying and that piece of shit can't even show his face once in a while for support!" His anger over took him as he stood up and reached for the bottle of whiskey, aiming it to one of the kitchen walls, making the bottle shatter as the liquid stuck onto the walls and counters.

He fell into a trance, staring at the wall that was covered in whiskey. She felt tears build up in my eyes as she cautiously moved closer. "Everyone just leaves me." His walls fall down as he breaks down in tears. Her heart clenches as she quickly comforts him, giving him a shoulder to cry on.

"It's okay. I'm here." She reassure him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He caves and stands to his feet, wrapping his arms around her waist, continuously crying into her neck. "I'm here. Everything will be okay." She hushes him as they rocked on the spot back and fourth.

"Why don't you go clean up. Soak in a bath and I'll clean up down here. I'll bring up some more aspirin in a minute." Savannah smiled comfortingly as Hayes walks upstairs quietly. She let out a sigh and began scrubbing the alcohol off the walls along with the blood on the floor after clearing the rest of the glass that was left.

She poured another glass of water and got more aspirin, taking them upstairs to Hayes. As Savannah walked into the room, she saw him laying on the bed in his underwear as his hair was still wet from the bath.

"Good night Hayes." She sat them on his bedside table before turning to leave but was quickly stopped by him grabbing her wrist gently. "Stay. Please." He slightly whimpered as tears once again brimmed his eyes. Savannah didn't know if it was a good idea, but she didn't want to leave him in this state so she quickly walked to the door to close it before making her way to his bed.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled as she climbed onto the opposite side of the bed, resting her head on the pillow. "For everything. For my actions. For hurting you." He started, turning on his side to face her. "You should get some sleep Hayes." She note, closing her eyes.

"Goodnight Sav." She smiled at the nickname and said goodnight before sleep took over her.

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