Chapter 20

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Narrators's POV

The next day went on as normal, as the next, and so on so forth.

Hayes refrained from talking about the situation that was discussed the night before as seeing her tense up and almost break down at the thought, hurt him more than words could describe.

He took the day off, contemplating on just taking the full week away from work work to what he had to do at his home office. He didn't want to leave Savannah all alone.

Sure she would have his mother there, but as it was Issabella & Robert's last day before they had to catch a flight home, Hayes felt like it was going to be harder than nessecary for her.

Throughout the night, he contemplated on the whole mess he had brought into. The contract. He didn't want her final months being out of route legally tied to him. If anything he wanted it to be ligit, but he knew he still had to gain her trust back.

Savannah spent most of the day in bed whereas Hayes was couped up in his home office, answering emails and calls trying to keep his mind off of it. He smiled when he thought of her. She was the only one who pried her way into his mind every minute of the day.

Pulling out his phone, he facetimed the sleeping beauty who was currently knocked out in his bed and waiting for her to answer.

"You better have a good excuse for waking me up Calloway." He chuckled at her choice of words as he looked at her. Hair all messy, going all places, even if she looked drained, bags under her eyes and skin pale, she was still the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

"As much as I hate to disrupt your sleep princess, I need you in my office." He chuckled. She had given him no response but decided to let her eyes shut again. "SAV!"  He screamed suddenly, making her jump and almost drop her phone.

"You're such an asshole!" She groaned. She ended the call, getting up to shove slippers onto her cold feet before wrapping a blanket around her shoulders.

"Hayes it's 7am, it's my day off, what's so important that you couldn't wait until after 12 to tell me." She whined before yawning, almost falling asleep as she stood beside his desk. "Come here." He motioned for him to sit on his lap and she refrained from refusing, sinking into his lap, wanting to just fall back to sleep.

"What's this?" He asked her, showing him the contact that was signed by her almost 3 months ago. "Why do you have the contact out in plain sight? Your mother could walk in here at any moment." She sat up straight wide eyed. He said nothing but rotated his chair, holding her tightly so she wouldn't fall and let the paper be eaten by the shredder in his wall cabinet.

"I don't want to be spending these next few months, binding you to a contract Sav. That wouldn't be fair on you." He shook his head, feeling disappointed that he even got her into this mess in the first place. "Hayes, I'm doing this for you and your mother, I can't express that anymore than what I already have. I don't want you treating me differently just because I'm unwell." She huffed removing herself from his lap.

"I care about you Sav. A lot. More than I care to admit. And I won't, put you through bullshit like this." His eyes became watery, his voice broke. "Tell me one thing... If I hadn't been diagnosed with this illness, if you hadn't found out, would you have still shreaded the contract?" She asked, making him look stunned. He stayed silent, looking at her with such sadness in his eyes. His silence gave her every answer she needed as she nodded in response, making her way out of his office into the bedroom.

Instantly entering the closet, she had pulled out her suitcase and began packing.

She felt so stupid to think that he even cared about her in the slightest. That there was a chance for them

Halfway into getting her clothes packed, she was spun around and pinned against one of the mirrors before lips were pressed smoothly onto hers. Hayes'.

They stood there, as Hayes pulled back to connect their foreheads together.

"The only way I would've ended the contact, not knowing about your illness, would only had been if I knew you still felt the same way as I do about you." He whispered, cupping her face in his hands gently. Like he was holding a glass vase.

She looked up to him with watery eyes, not knowing what to say. 'Did he just admit he still had feelings for me?' She thought in her mind as she tried to searched for answers.

"I love you Savannah. I never stopped loving you."

Her heart stopped. She cried into his chest, feeling overwhelmed by her emotions as she choked on her words.

"We'll get through this. I promise"

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