Chapter 12

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Savannah's POV

Our lips parted as I stare back at him in shock. "Well that seemed to do the trick." He chuckled, nodding his head, making me look back to see that Charolette had disappeared.

My legs felt like jelly. "I think I need a drink." I gasp out, leaving Hayes confused on the dance floor. My eyes settle on a waiter holding a tray of champagne.

Just what I needed. Quicker than you could count to 5, I swallowed down the golden coloured drink before taking a second one into my hand and returned to the table.

"Have you seen Savannah?" I hear Hayes ask as he returned to his seat. Just before any one could answer, I placed my hand on his shoulder, sitting down beside him. "I'm right here. Just had to use the ladies room." I smile, removing my hand, taking another sip on my drink.

Not so long later, the waiters returned as they were giving out the starter meals to the tables. I had a smoked salmon with prawns as Hayes had grilled lobster tails with a lemon and herb butter and let me tell you, it was the best thing I had ever tasted.

Everyone chatted amongst themselves as I kept myself occupied on my food... which was pretty difficult considering the continuous staring from Hayes.

"So Hayes, how are things going with the company? I'm hoping it's still up and running the way as I left it?" Joseph cleared his throat, questioning his son in a stern manner, only for Hayes to tense up beside me. "Abandoned it you mean." He snapped back, reaching for his champagne. Joseph immediately clamped his mouth shut, an embarrassing expression creeping onto his face.

I looked to Colton, seeing his face had the same expression as Hayes but as I gazed over to Chase, I had to bite my tongue. He was seconds away from laughing this place down in which he politely excused himself to go to the bathroom.

"And if you must know, it's doing a lot better since you left." Hayes responded confidently, wiping his mouth with his napkin, before reaching for his drink. Joseph was taken aback as he clicked his tongue. "I don't want any trouble here tonight. I'm just here to see my family." Hayes laughed at his response before standing to his feet.

"You don't have family here. You lost the right over that term the second you stepped into another woman's bed, leaving your wife at a crucial time in her life, leaving your sons to pick up the pieces. Do us all a favour and leave." He lowered his tone before walking away out to the courtyard of the ballroom. Colton made a move to go after him but I stopped him, wanting to make sure he was okay myself.

"Let me get him. Stay with your mother, please." I asked, not wanting to leave Elizabeth on her own with Joseph as Chase had decided to look for more food at this point. Colton nodded and sat beside his mother, giving me time to run out to the courtyard.

I looked around, not seeing Hayes anywhere in sight. I walked deeper into the yard, walking around the gardens, trying to get Hayes in my sights but failed. Just as I was about to turn on my heel and walk back, the faint smell of smoke entered my nose. I walked closer around the trees and found Hayes, inhaling a cigarette as he stared up at the night sky.

"He had some nerve showing his face here tonight." He commented, throwing his cigarette onto the ground, crushing it with the bottom of his shoe before turning to me. "I'm gonna kill him." He began storming past me but was unable to go any further from my hands stopping him.

"Hayes, stop." He tried to remove my hands but I stood firm. "Hayes, look at me." I held his face in my hands, forcing him to focus on me. Tears welled up in his eyes and I could feel my heart start to break. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he didn't hesitate to bury his head into my neck.

"I know how much you hate him. I know how much this is killing you inside but please, for your mother, for yourself, I need you to stay focused on the reason why we are here. For your mother. She wouldn't want you to be like this." He sobbed at my words, making me hold him tighter. "She's dying Sav. She's dying and he couldn't give a shit about her." I felt his anger radiating.

"Please, just for tonight, let it go. We only have to be here until after your speech then we can go. You won't have to be in his presence any longer. Okay?" He looked lost. He looked hurt. And in the moment, all I cared about was seeing him happy.

His face became stern as he wiped his eyes dry, nodding in agreement. We made our way back into the hall just in time for Hayes'  scheduled speech.

I sat back in my seat, watching Hayes closely as he made his way to the stage.

"Is everything okay darling?" I look to my right as Elizabeth tapped my right arm. "He's okay." I reassure her, taking a sly glance at Joseph displeased before I focused on Hayes who was waiting for everyone's attention.

"As you all know the charity selected for tonight is Cancer Trust. I am very overwhelmed, and very pleased to announce that with all of our town candidates help and even with our town, we have managed to raise over 5.2 million dollars which will be donated to the Cancer Trust Funding team." I smile as I cheer along with everyone.

"I have been raising money for Cancer Trust for several years now since I maintained a successful business and in honour of my mother, who I'm happy to have with me here tonight, alongside my grandmother who is unfortunately no longer with us, I will be doubling the proceeds of tonight's event therefore we have been able to raise Cancer Trust 10.4 million dollars." He announced happily as many gasps, applaudes and cheers were heard.

My eyes water as a proud feeling came over me. "I'd like to thank many people tonight but one in particular who has helped me a lot in the past 3 months. Savannah, would you come to the stage please?"

Everyone fell silent as I slowly raised to my feet, making my way to the stage. "What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper shout to Hayes as he looks at me with a pleading face. "Just go along with it. Please. I'll explain later." He discreetly mumbled before smiling.

"I've had the honour of knowing this beautiful lady from a very young age and had the opportunity to understand love." He smiled my way as my heart stopped at the word 'love'. "And I can't imagine my life without her." The audience 'awed' as I forced a smile. "So without further ado," he cleared his throat, bending down on one knee after pulling out a red box from his suit pocket.

"Savannah Marshall... will you do the honour in becoming my wife?"

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