Chapter 11

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Savannah's POV

As soon as the door was held open, I was greeted with a red carpet, flashing cameras and Hayes' hand, awaiting for me to grab it.

We walked down the middle, stopping a few times to take pictures before Hayes wrapped an arm around my waist, pressing me against his side.

The security guards gave us entry way into the hall. Walking into such an important event had me nervous but almost felt ... empowering?

"Where are we seated?" I asked Hayes, looking to him. "Up front. My mother should already be waiting down there so-" I was cut off surprisingly as a female ran around the tables, shouting for Hayes.

I felt his body tense up at the woman's voice as he gripped my waist tighter. "Oh my god! Hayes, it's been so long. How have you been?" Her voice squeaks as she pushes herself against Hayes, hugging him tight to the point of pulling him away from me.

Hayes cleared his throat and awkwardly patted her on the back, looking at me for help. "Uh hi Charlotte. How've you been?" He eventually makes space between them as I try my hardest to refrain from breaking every fake nail off her hands. "I've been good. Although I've missed you." She tries to speak seductively, running her fingers along Hayes' arm but the more she carries on, the more I sense Hayes becoming uncomfortable so I decide to be the hero to save the day.

"I'm Savannah. Savannah Marshall, Hayes' girlfriend." I put emphasis on 'girlfriend' as I offer my hand to her which she declines with a disgusted look on her face. " Oh- I-" Hayes cut off her stuttering by smiling suttly  before pulling me back under his arm. "Well we must get going. Bye Charlotte." Hayes spoke politely whereas I just wanted to claw her eyeballs out.

Hayes pulls me forward as his arm fall from around my waist to entwine our hands, leading us to our table.

"Hayes, Savannah, I'm so glad you could make it. You look wonderful." Elizabeth stood slowly from her seat, embracing us both in a hug. We both hear a voice behind us and once again, Hayes tenses beside me, gripping my hand harder.

"Nice to see you, son." Hayes' jaw clenched at the word 'son'.  "Not so nice to see you to, Joseph." And just like that, the atmosphere changed instantly. He shook off his son's comment and reached to shake my hand. "Pleased to see you again, Savannah." He smiled politely, shaking my hand. "You to, Mr Calloway." I said making him chuckle. "Joseph will do. Please, take a seat." He offered the chairs beside him but before I could sit, Hayes moved us to beside his mother, sitting in the seats furthest away from Joseph.

Silence at our table soon settled in but thankfully the chatter from the hundreds of people here quickly covered that up.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to Hayes as he begins to breathe heavily. He fails to answer is all he focuses on is giving his father a death stare. I cautiously rest my hand upon his under the table, feeling him relax slightly under my touch. "Hayes?" I got his attention as he looks to me, his expressions becoming softer.

"Don't let him get to you." I whisper, giving him a small smile. He calms down, taking my hand into his whilst I let my thumb trace back and forth, hoping to keep him calm.
"I'm guessing by your reaction he wasn't suppose to be here?" I mumble quietly but loud enough for Hayes to hear. "No. And if he's here, there's a fifty fifty chance that Colton and Chase are here with him." He growls lowly.

"I thought they had issues with your father and didn't speak." I voice my thoughts curiously. "They have issues but they are closer to Jospeh than what I am." I took note of how he called him Joseph instead of his father but made no further move to question it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm happy to welcome you to tonight's charity ball. All proceeds will be donated to the Cancer Trust team in honour of our Mayor who sadly can't be with us here tonight." I felt Hayes shift beside me again. I had a feeling that tonight wasn't going to go well for him.

"Please enjoy the entertainment for tonight. Dinner orders will be taken shortly. Thank you all for coming." Everyone applauded his welcome speech as waiters emerged from the side doors along with champagne bottles.

"Dance with me." I look up to Hayes shocked as I see he was already on his feet, offering me his hand. I look up and watch as his hard glare was rested on his father, instantly knowing that he wanted to be as far away as possible so I accepted and took his hand.

He led us into the middle of the large dance floor, taking my hand to place it on his shoulder as he entwined the other in his own before wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Are you okay?" I ask as he finally felt less tense. Guessing it was because of being at a greater distance from his father. "Better now." He sighed, resting his chin on my shoulder. "He shouldn't be here." He mumbled, tightening his hold. "He isn't worth it, Hayes. Don't pay any mind to him."

"We haven't even been here a full hour yet I've already walked into two of my worst nightmares." He whispered into my ear, making me giggle at the fague mention of Charolette. "She isnt worth it either." I growled inwardly, hoping he didn't catch my tone but to my luck, he did.

"Is someone jealous?" He smirked, pulling me closer, if it was even possible. "If you're talking about the girl behind you who hasn't stopped staring at us since we started dancing, then I'd say the answer to your question would be yes." Hayes turned us slightly so that he could have a clear view if Charolette glaring at us.

"Wanna give her a show?" Before I could even register his question, he pulled me closer, our chests now touching as he gently grabbed my face with one hand, pressing his lips softly to mine.

And I swear, if he wasn't holding me right now, I would have been on the floor.

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