Chapter 3: My first friend

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Five years later

I had gotten used to my new life. My new parents didn't pay any attention to me, so I left to do whatever I wanted, as long as it was on my side of the manor. I had decide the best way to survive was to be the kindest person I can be. Maria died in the all the roots because she hurt the capture targets and heroine. So if "Maria" was a good person, then hopefully "she" wouldn't die.

So far, that part of the plan has worked. I always say please and thank you to the manor servants, and even helped them a little bit with their chores. I was also kind to my tutor. In the game, Maria wasn't very smart, so she would physically hurt her tutors, lying about things they've done, and ruined their reputations.

Now, given the fact that I am actually 21 has now made my new 5 year old self a prodigy. I wasn't the best in school, but I was certainly more advanced then normal children my age. So my current tutor, Mr.March liked me, and I liked him back. He was the only one I could have real conversations with.

The second part of my plan is to avoid the capture targets and heroine as much as possible. Or as best as I could. I would have to meet Mason and Blake when they moved into the manor. Blake was a son of a rival noble family, so when their manor "mysteriously" burned down, he had nowhere to go. He only lived because he was able to ran into the pond in their garden, but it left he with scar's, both inside and out. He became cold and distant to people afterwords.

He would move in with us, just to carry on our noble name. In the game, Maria treated him horribly, and so did her parents. This made him go deeper into sadness, but the heroine helped him out of it when he went to The Academy of Fine Magic.

Mason would also join in the same year as Blake, he was a replacement for Maria's last tutor. She would mistreat him, just like the last 20, and he would grow to despise her. He would go with her and Blake to the academy, and meet the heroine.

"But enough about them. I have something important to do." I thought as went into the library. It was as dark and gloomy as the rest of the house, and it didn't help that it was night, but it was where I spent most of my time in the house. I wasn't much of an outdoors person in my past life, but I definitely was now. The gardens were much more colorful and nice than the inside.

"Now where is it again?" I walked between the rows of bookshelves. I was looking for a specific book. Mr. March had told me that the house was century's old, and that there were rumors of secret passages in it. And I was looking for a specific one.

Earlier today, I searched the library, and had pulled a book which reviled a hidden hallway. Now that no one would notice that I was missing, I am trying to find it again. After searching for what felt like hours with only the light of my candle, I found it. I pulled the book, and the book shelve slide out, leaving a hole in the wall that lead into the hallway.

I gulped, and went into the secret passage. When I walked in the book shelve slide back in place. I held back a scream, but kept going. And going . . . and going. I walked for what felt like a long time. Then I saw a ladder.

"This better lead me to something good. My feet are hurting, and I am exhausted." I thought as I carefully climbed the ladder. At the top was a hatch door. I pushed against it, but it wouldn't budge. I kept trying though, and it eventually gave away.

Climbing out, I realized I was in a small basement. There was a shelve of jars, hanging fruit slices, and crates in the small space. I was starving after my walk, so I grabbed the fruit and started eating it. Then I heard a noise coming from above panicking, and tried to find a place to hide, but it was too late, as someone was coming down another ladder.

It was a boy about my age. It was hard to see in the dark, but he had tanned skin, dirty blond hair, and brown eyes. He was wearing dirty ragged clothing. He looked at me before whispering "What are you doing? Those are our food!"

"I'm sorry, but I was hungry from traveling to get here." I said back, hanging the fruit slices back up.

"How did you get here?" he asked

"I came through that hatch door." I said pointing to it.

His eyes widened and said "You came though the door? Wait so are you a . . . Bonaparte?" I nodded my head.

He gasped and bowed down saying please don't hurt me. "Why would I do that?" I asked him.

"Because I was mean to you about eating our food. You can have it all now, just please don't hurt me." he said in a scared voice.

"I won't do that. You have the right to be mad at me. I can repay you with some money later if you want." I said to him.

"Really, you'll do that? This isn't some sort of . . . scam is it?" he asked back, getting up from the ground.

"What! Of course not. Why would I do that?" I said surprised.

"Because that's what you do. Bonaparte's aren't know for being kind and repaying people back, unless it's a scheme for revenge." he said looking away from me.

"Well, I am different, trust me. I will come back tomorrow and pay you back. I promise." I said holding out my hand and saying "Now let's shake on it." with a smile.

"Are you sure you want to touch my hands? They are dirty." the boy said with a small blush on his cheeks, which I also saw had freckles on them.

"Of course!" I said grabbing his hand, and shacking it up and down.

He blushed harder and pulled his hand away. He then said "Ok. I believe you. But you should leave now, my family will suspect what is taking me so long."

"Oh you're right. I need to get back to the manor. Thanks for reminding me!" I waved and walked back to the hatch door, before turning around and asking "What's your name?"

He looked surprised again, but then said "Theodore."

"That's a cute name! My names Maria. Bye! See you later!" I say as I crawled back into the passage way.

It was a long walk back home, but I felt much happier. I had discovered an escape route encase I needed one, and I met a new person. I want to know more about him, so hopefully he'll let me keep visiting him in the future.

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