Chapter 17: Repeating

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Waking up was hard, but then again, I should just be happy that I'm waking up at all. Because I definitely died yesterday. I can still feel some of the effects of the poison. So now I needed a plan to survive Mason's class. But I already have a couple of ideas, so this shouldn't take too long.

About a week of repeats later

I am so over this! I haven't progressed a day for a week! That's crazy, I'm going crazy! I keep dying! I tried fighting back, tried running away, tried being sick. Nothing worked, nothing! I'm sick of repeating this day!

But  I calmed myself down. For now, I have to keep tiring, even if I have to keep doing Mrs. Silvia's class over and over again. Which I have next. Let's just get this over with.

I entered the room, and Mrs. Silvia was in the same place that she always was. I decided that I needed to get through this as quick as possible.

So I walked right up to Mrs. Silvia's face and said,

"Let's get this over with, teach me how to heal." I was breaking the script, but I was the only one who would know, so script be damned.

Mrs. Silvia didn't stick to the script either, and told me,

"Well you need something to heal dearie."

"Fine." I grabbed a glass shard and cut myself on my hand. I didn't even whimper. After a week of dying from poison, I could handle a small cut.

I healed the cut as fast as I made it, and stared at Mrs. Silvia, who stood there with wide eyes.

"It must be you then." She said whispered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"You are the one that keeps dying and resetting the day." Mrs. Silvia said.

She knew? How did she knew? I know she's an ancient lady who understands magic most people couldn't even think of. But still, knowing about the resets seem too crazy. But then again, the days do reset when I die, so nothing's too crazy here.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"When someone from another world dies, the day resets. The day gets reset for everyone from another world, and they too must live through the day again." Mrs. Silvia said.

My eyes widened. Someone from another world? Someone like  .  .  . me?

"Yes dearie, I too am from another world, and was reincarnated by the gods." Mrs. Silvia said with a small smile.

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