Chapter Forty-Seven

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"Alright. We have two hours until the party. What else do we need?"

Olive glanced at her watch after she hung up the last of the streamers. The sun was just starting to go down, the clock striking six.

Cho strategically placed lanterns and lights all around the clearing so the area was sufficiently lit, but not too bright. She shrugged, pulling out a small roll of parchment that contained her to-do list for the day.

"Um... I'm going to go pick up the cake from Honeydukes." Cho started, "I need you to go bother Fred and George for some fireworks."

Olive quirked a brow, "Why me?"

The other Ravenclaw laughed, "Why not you? They're all over you whenever you're around, especially George. Haven't you noticed it?"

Cheeks turning red, Olive sent her friend a quick glare, "They're not all over me. Not like that, anyways. They're just annoying." She stated firmly, "Especially George."

"Sure." Cho smirked playfully at the girl, "I still need those fireworks. Hurry back, Cedric is coming with the butter beer and firewhisky at seven and I need you to help him unload it."

"How was he able to get that?" Olive asked, "We're underage, Cho, we're not allowed to drink that."

"Natalie is, and so is Ced." Cho shrugged, checking to make sure the stereo was working. Somehow the younger Ravenclaw had managed to burn the Weird Sisters on a muggle CD, along with a bunch of other music. Despite Ollie's reservations about the party, Cho really knew how to put one together

Cho turned to Olive with a pointed look, "So are half of the people coming. And, for tonight, so are we."

Nervously Olive glanced around at all of their decorations. Now that she thought about it, it did look like they were throwing a big, real party like you see in movies or read about in books. The kind where teenagers go wild and get drunk and someone ends up getting hurt.

Suddenly she didn't feel so comfortable with the idea.

"How many people are coming?" Ollie asked, playing with the ends of one of her curls nervously.

"Us, Ced, Nat, Marietta, the Quidditch team, a few people from the other houses." Cho shrugged, "That's it."

"Okay." Olive nodded, "And we're sure Natalie will enjoy this? She's been a little off since that whole thing with Jasper happened."

Walking over to her, Cho handed Olive a slip of paper, then placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Relax, everything is going to be fine. A party like this is just what she needs. Oh, and make sure you give this piece of parchment to the twins. It has the exact kind of fireworks we need for tonight."

"Okay." Olive tucked the slip of paper into her pocket, "I'll be back soon with the fireworks."

"Wait, Ollie!" Cho called as the Lark girl started to walk away, "Wear that blue sweater with the lace pattern. It's cute."

"What I'm wearing isn't cute enough?"

"Just do it!"

"The one time I actually need to find them, they're nowhere around."

Olive pulled at the blue sweater Cho made her wear, balling her fists nervously in the sleeves. She didn't really like the sweater, mostly because the neckline showed much of her scars and she didn't want people staring at them the whole time. She kept her hair in the front, covering the raised white scars on her collarbone and lower neck.

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