23: Unfitting Expectations

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I woke up prepared for our magical date.

Little did I know that one date, he would 'have expectations of what I would look like how I would act' Avery texted me as she asked me to meet her at the mall. How would I ever measure up to fashion models, I was simply just an average girl, far below average. They were unfitting expectations, that I simply couldn't fit.

I pulled myself off the kitchen chair as I looked around for Nolan, who had mysteriously taken off, with a wide grin plastered on his chiseled face. I sat in the same spot for the past 20 minutes just looking like an idiot, a drooling idiot.

Mrs. Johnson, the housekeeper wandered into the kitchen as she handed me an envelope.

"Mr. Clementé wanted you to have this, he said buy whatever you want", I ripped open the envelope to see what it was as I pulled out an elite black card. It was dazzling and sparkling, as I examined it closer.

Nolan's and Nat's Texts
Nolan- Did you get my gift?
Natalie- Yes, I did I don't need it I'm very much capable of making my own money.
Nolan- Okay, Ms. Independent.
Natalie- For you, it's Mrs. Independent.
Nolan- That would make me Mr. Independent, also the gift is for everyday purposes, and to get a new dress for tonight.
Natalie- A dress, I was just planning on wearing sweats and a hoodie, you know the usual.
Nolan- My sweats and my hoodie, then that's fine.
Natalie- Bye-Bye.

I shoved my phone across the bed as I wandered to the huge closet, that Mrs. Johnson had picked out for me. I definitely didn't deserve this. I picked out a black long sleeve shirt, with fuzzies on the inside and a pair of flare jeans, since it was kind of chilly outdoors.

I was excited about our date, I could feel my stomach fill with butterflies. The car pulled up as I climbed inside, Nolan had his very own driver named Mr. Johnson now you may be thinking Mrs. Johnson the housekeeper, yes they are married, happily married.

My hands shook as I could feel the bumps along with my hands, as I climbed into the car. The car was a simple SUV, but quite detailed on the inside.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Clementé", Mr. Johnson, spoke as he yawned telling me he had a late night last night and we could all hear him hammering away. He has a whole floor of the house to himself the basement, for him and his wife Mrs. Johnson. Nolan wanted renovations in the basement since they would be moving out and living elsewhere, coming only in they're days. Mr. Johnson himself said it was no 'biggie' to do the renovations himself, which kept him up at odd hours in the night and we could hear his hammer going 'pound-pound'.

"Good morning Mr. Johnson", I responded as I remember telling him to call me by Natalie instead of such a formal way of addressing me.

My fingertips brushed against the interior of the car as I scanned the crowded streets, trying to get coffees from Starbucks, or waiting for an overly priced restaurant outside the place. Seattle was definitely one of the craziest places I've ever been, traffic was car after car, too close for comfort. It made accidents rarer.

"Mr. Clementé said you two are going on a date", his words surprised me, why would Nolan tell me was he excited about it. I knew I was. My stomach started flurrying around as I just thought of why he would say something like that.

"We are, I'm excited. I mean I'm happy. I mean I really really like him, but does he like me, sorry I ramble when I get nervous", I apologized as I gushed, I can't believe I could be so irresponsible. I just told him my whole day's problem, to one of the closet people in Nolan's life. How stupid could I be?

"It's alright, Mrs. Clementé your not the only one feeling this way, Mr. Clementé spent the whole car ride rambling on about you", Mr. Johnson had let out a puffy laugh as I could tell he didn't mean to overshare. He continued back to his driving as I couldn't help but pry, being me.

"What did he say, was he just nervous as I am, did he say what color dress he wanted
for me to wear, did he say if he liked me or thought I was annoying", I rambled on as thoughts and thoughts flooded my mind.

"Mrs. Clementé we've arrived, and Mr. Clementé will love you just the way you are", his words comforted me as I stepped out of the vehicle. I waved goodbye as I kept thinking about Mr. Johnson's words.

I texted Avery saying that I was here, as I started wandering around. I felt a hand touching my back as I flung around, to see Avery, bursting in tears and laughter.

"God don't do that anymore you scared me", I was laughing too now, gosh this girl was having he literal time of her life.

"No promises", she recovered from her laughing outbreak, and she then leads me to a shop, a shop of beautiful dresses. l the sequins, the pastels, the vibrant colors, the luminescent rainbows, they were all gorgeous.

"What do you think", Avery threw her hands up as I was still in shock of all the dresses, the best dress I had, was my moms dress, which I had kept in mint condition and away from my father's rascal hands.

"They're so many, how do I know which one he would like?", my smile slowly turned into a frown.

"And that's why his sister is with you, now come on let's find the special one.", she cheered as she threw me in a fitting room as she handed me a dress after dress. They were all beautiful, but they weren't me.

"What about this one?", I gave it a twirl as she shook her head. She seemed to have an instinct of when so felt uncomfortable in a dress it was comforting knowing she knew my tastes.

"Now this, is something special", she tossed me the dress over the wall as she rushed back to her seat, getting anxious as she waited. I slipped on the silky dress, feeling special and different.

I pulled the curtain back as I stepped on the platform. Avery's jaw had dropped as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was radiating.

"Ave, I think this is the one".

Stay tuned for the next update

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